ISO 230-1-2012 pdf free download.Test code for machine tools – Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or quasi-static conditions.
straightness deviation
distance of the functional point from the reference straight line (3.4.12) fitting its trajectory, measured in one of the two directions orthogonal to the direction of a commanded (nominal) straight-line trajectory
See Figure 6.
NOTE 1 Straightness deviations are measured at low speed (or wten the axis under test has stopped) in order to avoid dynamic cross-talk.
NOTE 2 Straightness deviations, measured at discrete intervals (400 mm in the examp’e of Figure 5), constitute a limited representation of the actual straightness error motion.
NOTE 3 The positive sign of the straightness deviation is in the positive direction of the associated pflncipal axis according to ISO 841.
straightness error of a linear axis
value of the largest positive straightness deviation added to the absolute value of the largest negative straightness deviation (with respect to any previously defined reference straight line)
NOTE The minimum straightness error is obtained by using the minimum zone reference straight line.
property of a straight line
[ISO 12780-1:2011, definition 3.1.1]
NOTE The actual trajectory of the functional point of a moving component, commanded to move along a nominal straight-line trajectory, is not a straight line.
reference straight line
general direction of the line
associated straight line fitting the measured trajectory of a functional point in accordance with specified conventions, to which the straightness deviations and the straightness error are referred
NOTE 1 The reference straight line is computed from the measured deviations in two orthogonal planes (see Figure 6), within the boundary of the measurement being performed.
NOTE 2 The previous edition of this part of ISO 230 used the expressions ‘representative line”; it is a non-preferred expression for ‘reference straight lm&
NOTE 3 The mean minimum zone reference straight line (3,413). or the least squares reference straight line (3.4.14). or the end-point reference straight line (3.4.15) can be used (see Figures 7. 8 and 9).ISO 230-1 pdf download.