ISO 3074-2014 pdf free download.Wool – Determination of dichloromethane-soluble matter in com bed sliver.
6 Apparatus
6.1 Soxhlet extraction apparatus, assembled with ground giass points and protected against the entry
ol moisture, The extractor (barrel) ui the Suxhlct shall conveniently have a capacity of about 200 ml to
100 ml and the flask 250 nil.
6.2 Water-bath or other suitable means allow temperature heating,
6.3 BaLance, with an accuracy of 0,01 g. preferably with Large scale-pan.
6.4 Analytical balance, accurate to 0.000 1 g.
6.5 DesIccator.
6.6 DryIng oven. c.Ipable of hemg controlled at a temperature of 105 C ±3 C.
6.7 DistillatIon unit
6.8 Fat-tree filter papers
7 CondItioning and testing atmosphere
Pt-c-conditioning, conditioning, and testing shall be carried out in the standard atmosphere specified in
ISO 139.
8 Sampling
The laboratory sample shlI be representatIve of the bulk of material and shall be sulficient to provide two test speci owns each of in.Iss approximately tog.
Useful information on sampling is given in ISO 1130.
9 Procedure
9.1 Precondition the Laboratory sample as specified in LSO 139. and then bring it to constant mass by exposing it for not less than 24 h in the standard atmosphere br testing (see Clause 7).
92 In 11w standard atmosphere for eating, prepare two test specimens each of mass lOgiO,S g luse brge scale-pan (6.3)1. For tacit duplicate test. Introduce die lest specimen into the Scudilet barrel In such a way that 11w extract will nat carry wool fibres into the siphon tube and that the level of the top of the text specimen is below that of the end of the siphon tube. A particle-free extract maybe secured by one of the following methods:
a) Insert a glass wool plug at the bottom of the Sixhlet barrel, effectively covering the exit tube,
b) Pack the test specimen into a Soxhiet thimble covering with a loose plug of dichloromethaneextracted cotton wool.
c) Enclose the test specimen in fat-free filter paper (L.)If a water-bath ((a,2) is used, heat it to approximately 45 C. Assemble the flask and Soxhk’t barrel, Pour
into the barrel sufFicient dichloromethane (51) to cause a first siphoning, together with a small excess Complete the assembly of the condenser. Soxhlet barrel, flask, and heating device, Check that all points are light. Adjust the heating so that satisfactory siphoning ou rs at the rate of nat less than 6 cycles perhour. Allow 20 to 24 siphonings, adding more dichloromethane if desired. Reject any test in which the siphoning does not function correctly.ISO 3074 pdf download.