ISO 3219-1-2021 pdf download.Rheology – Part 1: Vocabulary and symbols for rotational and oscillatory rheometry.
3.20Newtonian flow behaviour ldeal.viscoias flow behaviour
behaviour where the gear ascoelty q (142) is Independent of shear rote y (13a). aheor stress r(141) and time
3.21Newtonian standard sample
sample of a Newtonian hqu.d whose viscosity values and its traceability to a national meastirement standard for the viscosity unit have been documented
3.22non Newtonian flow behaviour
behaviour where the shear viscosity r (142) is dependent on shear rOte ‘ (138), thear stresS r (141)
and/or time I
3.23normal rorre
F,, Force acting perpendicularly to the surface of a volume element
Noir I to entry The normal force F has the unit newton (N).
Note 2 to entry: Noirnal forces can either be triggered by shear defiwinauon [140) of the sample or be applied by the rhropneter. In addition to this, not shear Induced normal Iorte can he caused by the sample preparation or by changes durIng 11w meaturement (e.g. swelling. drying, and shnnking)
3.24oscillatory test
test where both shear planes of the measuring geometry harmonically oscillate around the same axis ol rotation
3.25oscillatory test with controlled (shear) straIn oscillatory test with controlled (shear) deformation oscillatory test with CD
oscillatory test where the amplitude of the shear deformation y (34O) and the angsdor frequency w (3,5) are given
3.26oscillatory test with controlled (shear) stress
oscillatory test with CS
oscillatory test where thc .implltucle of the shear stress t, (14.1) and the angular frequency u (15) are given
327oulof.phasc component of the complex shear viscosity
imaginary part of the complex shear viscosity q
Note I to entry: The out.of-phase component of the complex shear viscosity q has the unit pascal multiplied by second (Pas).
science of deformation (3.47) behaviour and flow behaviour of materials
pat of theoloqy (3.28) that covers the measurement of deformation (3.47) behavIour and flow behaviour of materials.ISO 3219-1 pdf download.