ISO 6452-2021 pdf download.Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics一Determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles.
The fogging value F Is cakulated as the quotient. in percent, of the gloss value for the glass plate with logging condensate and the gloss value of the same glass plate without fogging condensate. The gloss values are measured In accordance with ISO 2813.
The mass of the condensable constituents C is given by the difference between the masses of the aluminium foil disc before and after fogging.
S Materials
5.1 Thermal transfer fluid, liquid or air. for the thermostatically controlled bath or chamber (6d)
The fluid shall he temperature-stable and preferably water-soluble for easier cleaning. A suitable fluid is
a modified polyhydric aliphatic alcohol or air.
5.2 Glass’dcaning drtrrgsnt r)fJ nnn’alkalirw type
5.3 Reference liquid, dilsodecyl phthabte (DIDP)1’
6 Apparatus
6.1 ThermostatIcally controlled bath it chamber, designed to operate at up to 130 ‘C. Safety devices shall be fitted to prevent overheating, The circulation system, the bath or chamber capacity and the heating system shall be such that the temperature can be kept constant to within ± 0.5 “C throughout the bath or chamber. The agitation of the bath or chamber shall be done at a slow and uniform speed.
NOTE I It is very important to keep thc temperature rnrtrct. as trct; have shown that only a 0.5 ‘C dii frrence can bc seen in the test results.
NOTE 2 Some beatcrslcirrubtors have a c-vntrilugal pump in the bottom. pumping the liquid at high speed around the bath. The beakers (6.3) will then have the liquid passing them at different speeds and this will cise different temperatures In different beakers.
NOTE 3 Comparison between air chamber and oil bath test results is described in Annex B for reference.
The hth or chamber shall be designed no that, alter placing the beakers (6.3) In the bath or chamber. the temperature does not drop more than S ‘C, and the test temperature is regained after no more than 20 mm. The minimum distance between the beakers and the walls shall he 30 mm and between the bottom of the bath and the beakers 60 mm.
The bath or the chamber shall be equipped with a device indicating the distance between the fluid and the lower surface of the glass plate (6.6). This distance shall be (60* mm,
6.2 Cooling plates, designed to be placed on the glass pbtc (6.6) to keep them cool. The cooling plate shall be hollow and made of corrosion-resistant metal, with the side lacing the glass plate made of aluminium They shall have two cooling-water connections located so that the cooling water flows through the whole ci the interior of the plate. The surface in contact with the glass plate shall be flat When using liquid for thermal transfer fluid, the mass of a cooling plate filled with water shall beat least 1 kg. to overcome the buoyancy of the beaker (6.3) in the hash. The whole of the weight of the cooling plate shall rest on the beaker. A separate cooling plate shall be used for each beaker,
The cooling plate and the associated water thermostat shall be designed so that the mean water temperature is 21 ‘C and the difference in temperature between the inlet and outlet does not exceed.ISO 6452 pdf download.