ISO 6932-2008 pdf download.Cold-reduced carbon steel strip with a maximum carbon content of 0,25 %.
This product is suitable for welding if appropriate welding conditions are selected. As carbon content increases above 0,15 %, spot welding becomes increasingly difficult.
5.4 Application
It is desirable that cold-reduced carbon steel strip be identified for fabrication by the name of the part or by intended application, which shall be compatible with the temper or mechanical properties specified. Proper identification of the part may include visual examination, prints or description, or a combination of these.
5.5 Mechanical properties
5.5.1 Hardness
When the temper designation is specified, at the time the steel is made available for shipment the hardness shall be as stated in Table 4 when it is determined on test pieces obtained in accordance with the requirements of Clause 7.
5.5.2 Tensile properties
When the mechanical property designation is specified, at the time the steel is made available for shipment the tensile properties shall be as stated in Table 5 when they are determined on test pieces obtained in accordance with the requirements of Clause 7.
5.6 Oiling
As a deterrent to rusting, a coating of oil is usually applied to the product. The oil is not intended as a drawing or forming lubricant and should be easily removable with degreasing chemicals. The product may be ordered not oiled, if required, in which case the supplier has limited responsibility if oxidation occurs,
5.7 Edges
The desired edge number shall be specified as follows:
a) No. I edge: a prepared edge of specified contour (round or square) that is produced when a very accurate width is required or when an edge condition suitable for electroplating is required, or both;
b) No. 2 edge: a natural mill edge carried through cold rolling from the hot-rolled carbon steel strip without additional processing of the edge:
c) No. 3 edge: an approximately square edge, produced by slitting, on which the burr is not eliminated:
normal coiling or piling does not necessarily provide a definite positioning of the slitting burr;
d) No. 4 edge: a rounded edge produced by edge rolling either the natural edge of hot-rolled carbon steel strip or slit-edge material: this edge is produced when the width tolerances and edge condition are not as exacting as for the No. 1 edge;
e) No. 5 edge: an approximately square edge produced from slit-edge material on which the burr is eliminated, usually by rolling or filing;
f) No. 6 edge: a square edge produced by edge rolling the natural edge of hot-rolled carbon steel strip or slit-edge material: this edge is produced when the width tolerance and edge condition are not as exacting as for the No. 1 edge.ISO 6932 pdf download.