ISO 7915-2021 pdf download.Forestry machinery一Portable chain- saws – Determination of handle strength.
4,3.2 Fixation
In each case, the chain-saw shaH be fixed rigidly by the guide bar mounting pad and securely clamped to prevent flexing of the fixture greater than 2 when load is applied, The sprocket cover may be installed if needed. Direction X, shall bc aligned parallel to the theoretical centreline of the guide bar. A minimum clearance shall be maintained to prevent contact between the fixture and any part of the body ol the chain-saw, excluding the bar mounting pad, so that they do not touch each other during the test.
4.3.3 Load application General
The load shall be applied to each handle over an area of (70 ± 5) mm in width. A means to apply the loads to the handles shall be designed in such a way as to maintain directional orientation to X, Y, and Z,. through the handle midpoint. Load application to the front handle
The load shall be centred on the normal handle grip area at (50± 5) mm to the left of X0 (see ISO 6533).
43.33 Load application to the rear handle
The load shall be centred on the grip area (Z5 * SJmm behind the point where the rear most end olthe released throttle trigger enters the rear handle in the X direction, and centred on the handle profile In theY and Z directions.
4.3.4 Relative load directions
The load shall be applied to each handle over an area 01(70 t 5) mm in width. A means to apply the loads to the handles shall be designed in such a way as to maintain directional orberwatum to X. Y, and Zr through the handle midpoint within ±5° rebtlve to the guide bar mounting pad, while the load Is applied. These directIons shall be observed, IrrespectIve of any deformation of the handles or the chaln• saw body.
5 Test requirements
The chain’saw handles shall not break or crack when tested in accordance with C)auxA. Alter the test it shall be possible that the operator can hold the machine and stop the engine even in the case of full failure of the vibration isolation system, Before and after the test, the dimensional requirements of ISO 6533 and ISO 7914 shall be comphed with.ISO 7915 pdf download.