ISO 22185-1-2021 pdf download.Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures一 Part 1: Principles, nomenclature and moisture transport mechanisms.
7.6 CreakIng
Increased notse or abnormal sounds generated by materials affected by change In moisture content. Doors. slsding doors. etc. do not open or roll smoothly, making gnawing or abnormal sounds. This Is caused by deformation due to expansion or shrinkage ci materials. In addition, the exterior material sometimes makes an abnormal sound due to expansion or shrinkage caused by temperature change.
Related terms: shrinkage. low humidity, expansion, high humidity. deformation, warpage.
7.7 Deformation
Change in the shape of an object due to stress from expansion or shrinkage
Related terms: expansion, high humidity, shrinkage, low humidity. warpage. floating.
7.8 DIssolved destructive elements
Water transport of dissolved, destructive elements (e.g. salt, acid rain) which cause accelerated deterioration of building materials.
Related term: corrosion (electrolytic) of metal.
7.9 DIssolution
Refers to various materials where the performance Is compromised due to water activity or moisture. In this document, it refers to materials that rr.cmulsify when in prolonged contact with water,
Related term: wetting.
7.10 Expansion
Increase dimension or volume of .jn obiect. This is due to causes such as rise in temperature and humidity. In this document, this term mainly means that the volume of porous materials increases due to moisture absorption. Also, when moisture inside a material freezes, expansion occurs.
Related terms: high humidity, wetting, freezing, swelling, thrust up.
7.11 Floating
This means that a bonded surface, or a coated overlaid surface, disengages, For example, mortars applied to a concrete substrate or plastered foundation Layers and tiles delaminate due to drying and shrinkage. This Is also known as ‘skin separation’. It is also an indication of a state in which the Inside ci the material expands due to frost damage, peeling occurs and the surface rises.
Related terms: peeling, exfoliation, delamination, adhesion loss, freezing.
7.12 Floor squeak/floor squeaking
This is the squeaking sound that comes from the gap between the floor material and underlayment. Also refers to the rustling sound caused by the floor’s (mainly the flooring’s) joints. This is caused by shrinkage, expansion, floating or warpage of the material.
Related terms: expansion. warpage. shrinkage, floating.ISO 22185-1 pdf download.