EN ISO 665:2020 pdf download.Oilseeds – Determination of moisture and volatile matter content[ISO 665:2020].
5.4 Flat-bottomed vessel, either of metal or glass, at the discretion of the analyst.
II metal Is Liseci. It shall be resistant to attack under the test conditions, The vessel shall be provided with a well-fitting lid and shall allow the test portion to be spread to about 0,2 g/cm2 (e.g. a vessel of diameter 70mm and height 30 mm to 41) mm). Glass vessels with ground closures may also be used.
55 Flectrk oven. with thermostatic control and good natural ventilation, capable of being regulated so that the temperature of the air and of the shelves in the neighbourhood of the tct portions lies between 101 °Cjnd 105 °C In normal operation.
5.6 Desiccator, containing an efficient desiccant such as phnsphorus(V) oxide, silica gel, activated alumina, etc., and provided with a ceramic plate that allows vessels (5.4) to cool rapidly,
6 Sampling
Sampling Is not part of the method spedi led In this documenL A recommended sampling method Is given in 154) 21294111.
It is important that the laboratory receive a sample that is truly representative and has not been damaged or changed during transport and storage.
7 Preparation of test sample
7.1 Prepare the test sample by reducing the laboratory sample in accordance with ISO 664. II large non-oleagmous foreign bodies have been separated before the reduction of the laboratory sample. niake allowance ror this in the cakubtion (see 2.2). According to the requirements of the contract, take a sample as received or after separation of the Impurities.
7.2 In die case of copra. grate the product by hand oi preferably. use a mechanical grater (53) that allows the whole sample to be treated. When grating by hand, which does not allow all the analysis sample to be grated, endeavour to obtain a test sample that Is as representative as possible and, to this end, take account of the size and colour of dilTerent fragmenis,
The length of the particles after grating may exceed 2 mm but shall not be greater than 5 mm. Mix the particles carefully and carry out the determination without delay.
7.3 In the case of seeds of medium size (groundnut, etc.). except for safflower seed, sunflower seed.
soya beans and cottonseed with adherent hitters, grind die lest sample in the mechanical mill (52). which
has previously been well cleaned, until the major dimension of the particles obtained is not greater than
2 mm. Reject the first particles (about one-twentieth of the sample). Collect the rest, mix carefully and
carry out the determination without delay.
7.4 Small seeds (hnseed. coiza. hemp. etc.), as well as safflower seed, sunflower seed, soya beans and cotwnsced with .idhrrent hnwrs. .ire analysed without previous grinding.
8 Procedure
8.1 Test portion
8.1.1 Dry Lhc vessel with its lid for 1 hat 103°C prior to beIng placed in 1.1w desIccator before we*ghLng. Weigh the vessel (see SA) with its lid to the nearest 0.001 g. after leaving it open fur at least 30 mm In the desiccator (see £6) at laboratory temperature.EN ISO 665 pdf download.