BS ISO 6182-14-2015 pdf download.Fire protection – Automatic sprinkler systems – Part 14: Requirements and test methods for water spray nozzles.
6.6 Resistance to heat (see 7.6)
Nozzles shall be resistant to high temperatures when tested in accordance with 7.6. After exposure, the nozzle shall not fracture or break. If visual deformation is observed in the water discharge path, it shall meet the requirements of 6.2. If the nozzle is deformed, water distribution testing shall be conducted in accordance with 6.3.
6.7 Vibration (see 7.7)
Nozzles having multiple components shall be able to withstand the effects of vibration without deterioration when tested in accordance with 7.7. After the vibration test of 7.7, nozzles shall show no visible deterioration or loosening of components.
6.8 Impact (see 7.8)
Nozzles shall have adequate strength to withstand impacts associated with handling, transport and installation without deterioration of performance. After the impact test of 7.8.1; these nozzles shall show no fracture. If the nozzle is deformed, water distribution and strength testing shall be conducted in accordance with 6.3 and 6.9.
6.9 Strength of water dispersing components (see 7.9)
The nozzle shall not show any signs of visible deterioration or loosening of components after the test specified
in 7.9. If damage is noted, water distribution testing shall be conducted in accordance with 6.3.
7 Methods of test
The following tests shall be carried out for each type of nozzle. Before testing, precise drawings of parts and the assembly shall be submitted together with the appropriate specifications. Tests shall be conducted at a room temperature of 20 °C ± 10 °C, unless other temperatures are indicated. Nozzles shall be tested with all the components required by their design and installation instructions. Unless otherwise stated, the tolerances given in Annex A shall apply.
7.1 Preliminary examination
The construction shall be examined to ensure that it complies with the requirements of clause 5.
7.1.1 Visual examination
Before testing, nozzles shall be examined visually with respect to the following points:
a) marking,
b) conformity of the nozzles with the manufacturer’s drawings and specification,
C) obvious defects.
7.2 Water flow constant (see 6.2)
The nozzle shall be mounted with a pressure gauge on a supply pipe as shown in Figure 1.
Four nozzles shall be tested. The frame arms and deflector of nozzles may be removed to facilitate testing provided this does not impact the flow constant.BS ISO 6182-14 pdf download.