BS EN ISO 105-X12-2002 pdf download.Textiles- Tests for colour fastness Part X12: Colour fastness to rubbing.
Even wdh the use ot lie crUde ode dIIICLAY may be wiperleroed fl Swiwi19 aW9 when hera with tigh pile are tested.
NOTE 2 A weltel. .rtejs lot d. lstxlCS d.b.d ii Jou,nW of fl Soci.fy ci Dyer, arid CoJourats, $1 1971, 155. 1972.269
4.1.2 For other teutties: rubaing finger ccwnpnsed of acy5nder of (16±0.1) mmdiarneter mo..ilng to and Ito in a illmealonga(104 3) mmtradeonfhespecimnandexertirigado nward*otv.o119 02) N
NOTE A suable ara,us is described r the Technca( Maruai ci The mimcan Msoostn ci helM. Cnem,sts and Cdensts. Tesi MethodS. Ii, 4 i 2. and Test Method 165 for 41 1. Cher deeces can be used proved.d thel the same results ate cofained with he app.rahw dseut.d in cleu.e 4 Th.r. w iw know, a,rrstaIi of r..ijIa between the two melted. d.scrib.d
42 Cotton rubbing doth, dezed, bleached, anlhoifl tinell. cut into 50mm squares (± 2 mm for the linger used in 4.12. Forthetlngerdescrtred in4 It. a 25,rsn.. 100mm ± 2mm cloth is used. See ISO 105-F09
4.3 Soft-back waterproof abrasiwe paper, or grating of slainles steel wire I mm in clarneter and mesh width about 20 mm.
NOTE Afleteon ,hould be paId to the characteristics of the gratng or rasrve peser used to hold 11w wecrnen as thay may leave an anpimi through the Idb aitidi would cat*. a lee ratlrç to be made Th. U1 of th abmeivs peper may be preferred Or
4.4 Grey scale, for asaessmg staining, In accordance with ISO 105-A03.
Verification on lie operation of the lest and the apparatus shal be made routinely arid the resutis kept 118109 Use
an in-house or estatlished rubbEig specimen and conduct three (3) dey tests
5 Teal spechnens
5.1 II the textde to be tested is a fabric or textile floor ooverwig. two pieces not less than 50mm x 144) mm are required for dry rubbing and two for wet rubbing. Ac11ional specimens may be used wtien higher precision is needed. One specimen of each pas shall have tIle long direction parallel to the weip yarns. (or in the drecton of mantAaclore). the other paralel to lie welt (or fling yarns or at right angles lathe dWeclion of mariIactu’e) An al ternate method of cuing specimens is to cut the long denension dagony to warp and welt If the pile lay of a carpet specimen Is cistinguiehedle, cs.A the specimen wflh the pie lay pointing in the long cireclion.
52 If the textile to be tested Is yarn or tlvead, knit I into herr to provide specimens at least 50 mm 140mm or form a layer of parallel slrande by wrapping it Ienhways on a cardboard rectangl• of suihele dimensions
5.3 Beforeteeing,conduonthespeomenwdrubbingcfothforatleast4hinanatmosghereof(20—2) ‘Cand
(65121 % RH by laying each test specimen and each piece of rubbng cloth separately on a screen or per*wated
shelf Seine fabrics such as cation or wool may reqLwe longer periods of cOridiliorwig
5.4 For best, teeing sheuld be conducted Lalder standard atmosphere tar teeing textiles (see 1501391.
6 Procedure
6.1 General
Fasten eech test specimen by means ol dance to the baseboard of 1i testing davice so met lie long direction of 11w specimen follows the Vaciti of the device, Between the baseboard of the testing device and the specenen, piace a piece at wire mesh or soft-back waterproof abrasive paper Ia help reduce rnovemert of the specimen. Test the specimens prepared In clauseS accordeig to the procedures In 6.2 and 63.BS EN ISO 105 pdf download.