BS EN ISO 15091:2020 pdf download.Paints and varnishes – Determination of electrical conductivity and resistance.
6 Sampling
Take a representative sample of the product to he tested, as described in ISO 15528.
Examine arid prepare each sample for testing, as described in ISO 1513.
7 Procedure
7.1 Test conditions
Carry out the test at a temperature of (25 ± 1) °C, unless otherwise agreed. The deviation from any agreed temperature shall also be not more than ±1 °C.
The dependence of the conductivity on the measurement temperature is shown in Annex B.
7.2 Viscosity of test sample
The test is usually carried out at the same viscosity as that of the product under test when it is ready for use. The solvent used to adjust the viscosity, if this is necessary, shall be agreed between the interested parties.
7.3 Number of determinations
Make at least three individual measurements on the product under test.
7.4 Measurement of the electrical resistance or the electrical conductivity
Take the required quantity of the paint sample and immerse the electrodes in it, avoiding the formation of bubbles. If required, homogenize the material before doing this.
Prior to the measurement, check the measuring cell for cleanliness and remove any particles of dirt. Connect the measuring cell to the measuring instrument. For measurements using a direct-current measuring instrument, e.g. a Wheatstone bridge, read the value after a waiting time of 10 s in order to allow the electrical potential to become constant. For measurements using an alternating-current measuring instrument, read the value after an agreed waiting time.
When using continuously measuring instruments, the value shall only be read if it is constant for more than 20 s.
Immediately after the test, thoroughly clean the measuring cell.
8 Expression of results
Calculate the mean of the at least three individual measurements made of the resistance or conductivity. If required, calculate the resistivity from this mean value, using Formula (2)11 resistance measurements were made or Formula (4) if conductivity measurements were made. Examples of the calculation of the resistivity from the measurements are given below, using typical values.BS EN ISO 15091 pdf download.