BS EN ISO 3691-1:2012 pdf download.Industrial trucks一Safety requirements and verification Part 1: Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks.
If the above is not sufficient to allow the conditions for stability of a particular truck type to be specified, then
the operating conditions shall be according to the International Standards referenced for stability in 4.8.
4.1.4 Electrical requirements
Electrical requirements are subject to regional requirements. See ISO/TS 3691-7:2011 and ISOITS 3691-8.
4.1.5 Edges or angles
There shall be no sharp edges or angles posing a hazard in the area of the operator in the normal operating
position or in the area of access and egress during normal operation and daily checks.
4.1.6 Stored energy components
Components which store energy and that would cause a risk during removal or disassembly, e.g. hydraulic accumulator or spring-applied brakes, shall be provided with a means to release the energy before removal or disassembly.
4.2 Startlnglmovlng
4.2.1 Unauthorized starting
Trucks shall be provided with a device (e.g. key, code, magnetic card) which prevents starting without its use.
Such devices for pedestrian-controlled and rider-controlled trucks manufactured by the same manufacturer shall not be interchangeable between the two truck types. Where devices, e.g. magnetic cards, are destined for an individual operator, one device may be used on both truck types but shall not allow starting by unauthorized persons.
4.2.2 Unintended movement and inadvertent activation
Truck movement from the holding position, other than by actuation of the controls by the operator, due to drift
or creep (e.g. by leakage), shall be avoided. Parking brakes
A parking brake complying with 4.3.1 shall be provided
For sit-on rider trucks, the parking brake system should be manually operable by hand or foot from the normal operating position or automatically applied by leaving the normal operating position. Trucks with only non-automatically applied parking brake(s) shall have a warning to the operator to apply the brakes before leaving the truck.
Failure of the control system of an automatically applied parking brake shall be indicated to the operator. Internal-combustion-engine powered trucks
Internal-combustion-engine powered trucks shall be fitted with a device which prevents the engine being
started while the transmission is engaged. Travel controls
Travel controls on internal-combustion-engine powered trucks shall be so arranged that on level ground the truck will not move from rest until the transmission has been engaged.BS EN ISO 3691-1 pdf download.