BS EN ISO 6383-1-2015 pdf download.Plastics一Film and sheeting – Determination of tear resistance Part 1: Trouser tear method.
4.2 Tear properties may vary with specimen preparation, speed of testmg. and environment of testing. Consequeetly. when precise comparatwe results are required. these factors shall be carefully controlled,
It is possthle. in principle, to compare the tear resistance (32) of specimens of different materials. provided that their thicknesses do not differ by more than ±10 %. However, caution is necessary in interpreting such results, since the tearing energy can vary considerably with speed of testing lot different materials
5 PrincIple
A rectangular test specimen having a longitudinal slit extending over half its length is subfrcted to
a tensile test on the trouser Iegs formed by the slit. The average force required to tear the specimen
completely along lt.s length is used to calculate the tear resistance of the material under test (see kigiirel).
6 Apparatus
6.1 Tensile testing machine (not pendulum type), similar to that specified In ISO 527-3. having the following charac’teristic*.
6.1.1 It shall be power driven and capable u(mamtainingthc appropriate rate of gnp rpsraIion specified in Clause9. It is essential that the load measuring device is equipped with an autographic recording device to record the load applied to the specimen as a function of ebpsed time from the start of the test.
6.12 The grips shall be equipped with chucks designed to securely hold the legs of the test specimen without slip. The chucks shall be wider than the width of the test specimen and, in order that they remarn parallel to each other during a test, they shall not be mounted on swivel loints.
6.2 Suitable equipment for measuring the thIckness of specimens by the method described in ISO 4593. For einbossrd film or sheeting, the apparatus specified In ISO 4591 shall be used,
7 Test specimens
7.1 Test specimens shall have the shape and dimensions shown in Figure 1. The length of the slit in the centre of the specimen shall beTS mm s 1 mm.
72 The test specimens shall be cut so that the edgei are smooth and 1re from notches £xanilnatcon with a low.power microscope ii recommended to check freedom from nic-k It is important to pay particular attention to the tip of the slit in the centre of the specimen.
73 The properties of certain types of film and sheeting materials may vary with direction in the plane of the film (anisotropy). in such cases, It is essential to prepare two groups of test specimens with their mayor axes respectively parallel and perpendicular to the direction of some feature of the film or sheeting which is either visible or inferred from knowledge of the method of its manufacture.
The direction of testing Is defined as the direction of the long axis of the test specimen.
With some types of film, different tear resistance results may be obtained for any direction of testing (for example. machine direction or transverse direction) depending, for example. in the case of machine direction lest specimens, on whether the tear propagation is in the direction of processing or against the process direction (see Figure 2) When this is known to occur, two groups of lest specimens shall be cut in the direction of testing and slit so that results can be obtained for the two possible directions of tear propagation.BS EN ISO 6383-1 pdf download.