BS EN ISO 8655-5-2002 pdf download.Piston-operated volumetric apparatus- Part 5: Dispensers.
For the mairmum permissible errors of dispensers wth miermedlate nontinef volLries between thcee grn In Tables 1 and 2. the absokxe values r the nest Weeter normnal volume iliaC agply
NOTE Its. mean. that the rnauniaq pernhseale vysemelic ertors of a slnØ-sIrole pei.e a a norunal volume 0113 ml I 600 p1, and its nwaimwn prrnisabb random errors are f 200 il
In the conlormity test, the maximum pemvsable armors for the nominal volumes in Tables 1 and 2 apply for evory selectable volume oU the Leetut volume range ci the dispenser. i.e the maximum permissible systernalic armors of a sIngle-stroke w6h a usefti volume range 01 I ml to 10 ml are 60 p1 and the mammum pernisaitile random errors are +20 p1 tic every selected dume
7 User information
Each dispenser chat be aocornganied by user nkrrmaticn at accordance etth ISO 8655-12002, cause 6 The instructions tic use shait contain anlormabon regarding at least me todowmng tenw:
a) atuslment (Eu and reterence temperature (I 20 C or 27 C (J)
b) nornmal volume; ethers tt e not pracitcatie (see dause 8. kern 1)1. information shell be provided 10 enable the nominal voltine to be correctly ttenilled torn matlmgs on tie appropriate iett or module.
c) enaket volume Which can be detered observing the maxrni.wn permissible errors in accordance with clause 6;
d) correct handing;
a) e*irmabon regarng tie care, clara-ring and marntenance of the dispenser;
I) advice shoot arr•bubble-lre fllbig.
71* lollowing information should preferably also be indude
9) systematic and random errors 01 measurement with rebrence to the procedures for thee testing by the Leer fl the pan of ISO 8655 and In ISO 86554 (C widuded, the systemaX and random errors of measurement shell be apedlied at the nominal volume, at 50% 01 the nonwial volume, and either at 10 % of the nommal volume or at the srnalest dispensable volume observing tIre rnaxatiwn pewmisWhle errors specited In twa part of ISO 8655).
It applicable. thiormetlon stieS be provided regarding the pulpcee and proceeire lot user adjuetmerl.
8 MarkIng
The IctIowing data ah be permanently marked on each dispenser
a) nominal volume; where this Is not practIcable due to a modular desii, the volumetric modries aliaS be marked ether wth their nominal votrn.s or irdormation to enable th, user 10 obtain the nonenat volume horn th. user witormabon [see clause 7. tern b));
b) nanre and/or trademark;
c) supØeers apparatus name;
d) urat ci measurement;
e) canal nurviter of the dapenser;
The lollowing Information should prelerabty also be permanently mvwrtied.
f) aobrevialion “Ex” arid the relerenceternperahKe ) 20 Cor -27 ‘C” J;
g) rebrence to this part of ISO 8656, i.e. ISO 8665-5.
Miens approprwte. a conbrnwty marI may be affixed to the dispenser.BS EN ISO 8655-5 pdf download.