BS EN ISO 9554-2010 pdf download.Fibre ropes一General specifications (ISO 9554:2010). The ropes shall be supplied in their natural state without additives to weight the rope or coating treatment.
The fibre producer or the rope manufacturer may apply lubricants for enhanced performance. The total amount of additives or extractable materials shall not exceed 2,5 % in mass. The colour of the rope shall be natural, unless otherwise requested.
Upon request of the purchaser, the manufacturer may use a coating or impregnation of the product for special applications. The figures for linear density and minimum breaking force in ISO 1140 and in ISO 1141 are the same for type 1 and type 2 ropes.
4.3.2 Polypropylene and polyethylene ropes
Polypropylene and polyethylene ropes shall be protected against deterioration due to sunlight (UV).
The inhibiting system used should ensure the expected performance in usage under the foreseen
geographical areas for applications, provided that the manufacturer is kept informed by the user.
4.3.3 Manila and sisal General
All ropes of manila and of sisal shall be made exclusively of new fibres. Manila
A cordage oil lubricant of suitable quality shall be applied. The lubricant shall not impart an offensive odour to the finished rope. The percentage of extractable matter based on the dry weight of the rope shall not be less than 11,5%normorethan 16,5%.
When specified, the rope shall have a mildew-resistant treatment.
Anti-bacterial additives for manila may be added to extend the performance of the natural fibre when
requested by the purchaser. Sisal
A cordage oil lubricant of suitable quality shall be applied. The lubricant shall not impart an offensive odour to the finished rope. The percentage of extractable matter based on the dry weight of the rope shall not be more than 11.5 % for an un-oiled product and not more than 16,5 % for an oiled product.
When specified, the rope shall be free from any oils and sold as un-oiled rope.
Anti-bacterial additives for sisal may be added to extend the performance of the natural fibre when requested
by the purchaser.
4.4 Workmanship
4.4.1 The finished rope shall contain no cuts, kinks or soft spots caused by change in lay or pitch length, hockles, chafed or damaged sections, or broken, loose or projecting ends in the rope or the strands.
4.4.2 The unspliced ends of all ropes shall be cut off squarely and shall be securely whipped, taped or heatsealed.BS EN ISO 9554 pdf download.