BS EN ISO 9687-2015 pdf download.Dentistry一Graphical symbols for dental equipment.
This International Standard specifies graphical symbols for dental equipment. It is Intended that the symbols art to be used on the approps-iate piece of dental equipment and in documents pertaining to dental equipment, for example In instructions for use. marking. Labelling, and technical product documentation.
The symbols are *cleceii specifically (or all kinds of denial equipment, The malurity of the symbols are taken from relevant ISO. IEC, or other international documents, Several new symbols presented by manutácturers or users have been added.
NOTE In .iddltion to terms ased in two of the three official ISO Unguages (English, French. ,iiid Rsssian). this International Standard gives the equivaleel terms in the German Ianguage these are published under the responsibIlity of the member body br Germany (INN ) However, only tim terms given in the off icial Languages can be rnsidvred as ISO terfln.
2 NormatIve references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are Indispensable for Its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the rekrenced document (Including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6394, Codes fr the re ,.centatjce, q(nomrs of kwuager — PUrl’S: AJplia-Zco.ik
ISO 1942, Lknusuy — Vvccibolary
ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and tunes
ISO 1S223’1:2012, P4edkal ds’v,ces — Symbols to be used with methcul device lobelc, lab,IIti and information to be supplied — Pert 1: General requfrrments
ISO 17724, Graphical symbols — ktecabuiary
3 Terms and definitions
For the pirposs’s ol this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 1942. ISO 152231 and ISO 17724 apply.
4 Requirements
4.1 General
Graphical symbols used to convey the information given in C1au5 are given In this International Standard.
In orderto arrange fortheuseroithis International Standard all symbols necessary for dental equipment are shown in this International Standaral Therefore, some symbols defined by other International Standards are given lot Information purposes togetlwr with a reference to the respective International Standard.BS EN ISO 9687 pdf download.