BS ISO 5011-2014 pdf download.Inlet air cleaning equipment for internal combustion engines and compressors Performance testing.
When using compressed air for agitating dust, care shall be taken not to eject any dust out of the chamber. To ensure that no dust is ejected from the chamber, a negative pressure should be maintained between the chamber and the atmosphere.
6.2.7 Use an outlet tube conforming to Figure BA. The cross-section shall be the same as the air cleaner outlet. In the case of non-uniform flow conditions caused by special outlet tubes, special precautions may be required.
6.2.8 Use an air flow rate measuring system having the accuracy described in 41.
Validate the air flow rate measuring system. The air flow meter shall be of an acceptable design, such as a calibrated orifice and manometer conforming to Iso 5167-1. The orifice unit shall he permanently marked such that it can be identified after calibration. Corrections shall be made for variations in absolute pressure and temperature at the meter inlet and the air flow rate shall be expressed in cubic metres per minute corrected to standard conditions (see 42).
6.2.9 Use an air flow rate control system capable of maintaining the indicated flow rate to within 1 % of the selected value during steady-state and variable air flow operation.
6.2.10 Use a blower/exhauster for inducing air flow through the system, which has adequate flow rate and pressure characteristics for the filters to be tested. Pulsation of flow rate shall be so low that it is not measurable by the flow rate measuring system.
6.2.11 Grounding is required for all test apparatus to reduce the effects of static charges and to improve the consistency of the test results. Grounding of metallic and non-metallic surfaces, housings, dust transport tubes, injectors and associated hardware is recommended.
6.3 Restriction and differential pressure test
6.3.1 The purpose of this test is to determine the restriction/differential pressure/pressure loss across the unit under test which will result when air is passed through under predetermined conditions. Airflow restriction or differential pressure is measured with a clean filter element, or elements, at five equally spaced airilows of between 50% and 150% of the rated air flow, or as agreed upon between the user and manufacturer.
6.3.2 Condition the unit at the airflow rate at which the unit is tested for at least 15 mm under temperature and humidity conditions as specified in 55 until the mass has stabilized.
6.3.3 Set up the test stand as shown in Figures B.8 or 9 and Figures B.14 or &1.5. Seal all joints to prevent air leaks. Connect pressure taps.
6.3.4 Measure and record the restriction and the differential pressure versus the flow rate at approximately 50%, 75 %, 100%, 125 % and 150% of the rated air flow, or as agreed upon between the user and manufacturer.
6.3.5 Record the ambient temperature, pressure and relative humidity.
6.3.6 Correct the recorded restriction and differential pressure to standard conditions in accordance with AnnexG.
6.3.7 For pressure loss determination, use the formula given in Annex A.
6.3.8 Plot the results as shown in AnnixE or equivalent.BS ISO 5011 pdf download.