BS ISO 6469-4-2015 pdf download.Electrically propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications Part 4: Post crash electrical safety.
5.2.2 Voltage limit
The voltages Vb, V1. and V2 (see Figure 1) of the voltage class B electric circuits shall be equal to or less than 30 V a.c. (rms) or 60 V d.c. at a point in time tm which is specified as
— either 10 s after the initial impact, if the vehicle comes to rest within 5 s after the initial impact, or
— 5 s after the vehicle comes to rest, if the vehicle does not come to rest within 5 s after the initial impact.
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with Z22.
5.2.3 Isolation resistance General
The isolation resistance shall fulfil the requirements according to and
If direct contact to one potential of the voltage class B electric circuit is possible, the energy in Y-capacitors, TE, as calculated in shall be less than 0,2 1.
NOTE A potential body current caused by Y-capacitors is not limited by isolation resistance.
The isolation resistance criterion shall not apply if direct contact to more than one single potential of a part of the voltage class B electric circuit is possible; see £2A (physical protection). However, isolation resistance criterion is applicable lithe voltage difference between those accessible live parts meets the voltage limit specified in 5.2.2 or the potential energy between them meets the energy limit specified in 52.S.
Compliance shall be tested in accordance with
If test procedures include a static rollover test after a crash, evaluation of isolation resistance can be conducted before, during, and/or after the rollover test. Separated d.c. and a.c. voltage class B electric circuits
If the a.c. voltage class B electric circuits and the d.c. voltage class B electric circuits are not conductively connected to each other, isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 fl/V for d.c. circuits, and a minimum value of 500 fl/V for a.c. circuits. Combined dc. and ac. voltage class B electric circuits
If the a.c. voltage class B electric circuits and the d.c. voltage class B electric circuits are conductively connected, they shall meet one of the following requirements:
a) isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of
b) isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 fl/V and the a.c. circuit meets the physical protection as described in 5.2.4:
c) isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 fl/V and the a.c. circuit meets the voltage limit as described in 5.2.2:
d) isolation resistance, divided by the maximum working voltage, shall have a minimum value of 100 fl/V and the a.c. circuit meets the electrical energy limit as specified in 525.
5.2.4 Physical protection
For protection against direct contact with voltage class B live parts, the protection degree IPXXB in accordance with Iso 20653 shall be provided. Compliance shall be tested in accordance with ISO 6469-4 pdf download.