BS ISO 9362:2014 pdf free download.Banking一Banking telecommunication messages – Business identifier code (BIC).
The business party element shall include at least the following data attributes:
— The full legal name of the business party — Mandatory attribute;
— The registered address of the business party of the BIC — Mandatory attribute:
— The status (financial institution or non-financial institution) of the business party Mandatory attribute;
— The operational address — Optional attribute.
The branch element shall include at least the following data attributes:
— The description of the organizational unit of the business party such as a specific location, department, or service identified by the element branch of the BIC — Mandatory attribute when the element branch of the BIC is requested;
— The operational address of the element branch of the BIC – Mandatory attribute when the element branch of the BIC is requested and can be the same as the business party address.
The BIC data record shall include at least the following additional attributes:
— the date of publication of the new record;
— the date of last update of the record;
— the date of expiry of the record (when applicable);
— an indication if the record is self-maintained.
7 Responsibilities
The organization requesting the registration of a BIC is responsible for
— the accuracy of the BIC data record provided to the Registration Authority as well as,
— the update of its data record to the Registration Authority every time it is needed.
Further explanations on the BIC registration procedures are made available from the Registration
Authority website.
8 International directory of BICs
The international Iso 9362 directory of BlCs contains all published BICs assigned by this International Standard Registration Authority. For each BIC. the BIC data record will contain at a minimum the attributes listed in Clause 6. The international ISO 9362 directory of BlCs shall be made publicly available, with no technical constraints to access the data. The Registration Authority may provide the directory under various formats and include additional information, at its discretion.BS ISO 9362 pdf download.