EN ISO 16703:2011 pdf free download.Soil quality – Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C 10 to C 40 by gas chromatography (ISO 16703:2004). Dissolve about 100 mg of n-octadecanoic acid octadecyl ester in 100 ml n-heptane (6.2). 6.6Retention-time window(RTW) standard solution, containing n-tetracontane and n-decane. Retention-time window(RTW) standard solution is the range-defining standard solution. Weigh (30 ±1) mg ofn-tetracontane into a 1lvolumetric flask, dissolve completely in an appropriate volume of n-heptane (6.2), add30 ul of n-decane (about 21 mg), mix well fill up to volume with n-heptane and homogenize.This solution shallbe used for all dilution steps of the hydrocarbon standard (6.7). Store at room temperature. NOTEn-Tetracontane is only moderately soluble in n-heptane.Slight warming andlor sonication accelerates thedissolution process. 6.7Hydrocarbon standard solution for calibration2) Mix approximately equal masses of two different types of mineral oil. Weigh accurately this mixture anddissolve in the RTW standard solution(6.6) to give a hydrocarbon mass concentration of about 8 gl. The first oil type should show discrete peaks (e.g. a diesel ful) in the gas chromatogram, as can be seen inFigure A.1 (left part of the chromatogram).The second type should have a boiling range higher than the first one,and should show a hump in the gas chromatogram,as can be seen in FigureA.1(right part of thechromatogram). A suitable oil of this type is for example a lubricating oil without any additives. The calibration solutions can be prepared by diuting an aliquot of this standard solution (6.8) with differentvolumes of the RTW standard solution (6.6). 6.8Control solution Prepare an independent control solution in accordance with (6.7) using a hydrocarbon concentration about inthe middle of the working range of the system-performance standard solution(6.9). 6.9system-performance standard solution Prepare a mixture of equal amounts, on a mass basis, of the n-alkanes having even carbon numbers from C10to Cao, dissolved in n-heptane(6.2), to give mass concentrations of about 50 mg/l of each n-alkane.Store atroom temperature. NOTE1 This solution is used to verify the suitability of the gas chromatographic system for the resolution of nalkanes,as well as for the detector response. NOTE2 This solution is used to provide information on the retention times of the n-alkanes, in order to characterise thehydrocarbons in the samples. 7 Apparatus 7.1Standard laboratory glassware, which shall be treated at high temperatures or rinsed with acetone(6.1) and dried before use.EN ISO 16703 pdf download.

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