ISO 2230-2002 pdf free download.Rubber products — Guidelines for storage. 5.3 Labelling Every package or container should be labelled with the fllowing information which should be visible from the outside of the package without breaking the seal: a) the manufacturer’s part number; b) the specification number of the product or component (where applicable) and/or the polymer description; c) the quarter and year of vulcanization or manufacture of the rubber product or component (e.g. July to September 1994 = 3/94); d) the classification of the rubber type in accordance with clause 4; e) the quantity in the package; f) the manufacturer’s identification or trade mark; g) the manufacturer’s batch number or similar means of production identification. 6 Storage 6.1 General (see also the Introduction) Materials, unassembled components and assemblies containing rubber components packaged in accordance with clause 5 should be stored indoors under the conditions given in 6.2. NOTE It is advisable that the physical environment in which rubber is stored is given due consideration, as thermoplastics tiles and painted surfaces may become permanently stained through migration or volatilization of compounding ingredients such as antidegradants or process oil. 6.2 Storage conditions 6.2.1 Temperature The storage temperature should be below 25 °C and products should be stored away from direct sources of heat such as boilers, radiators and direct sunlight. If the storage temperature is below 15 °C, care should be exercised during the handling of stored products as they may have stiffened and become susceptible to distortion if not handled carefully. The temperature of products taken from such low-temperature storage should be raised to approximately 30 °C throughout their mass, before the products are put into service. 6.2.2 Humidity The relative humidity should be such that, given the variations of temperature in storage, condensation does not occur. In any event, the relative humidity of the atmosphere in storage should be less than 70 % or, if polyurethanes are being stored, less than 65 %. NOTE Air with 75 % RH at 15 °C will have a dew point of approximately 11 °C. Air with 75 % RH at 20 °C will have a dew point of approximately 16 °C.ISO 2230 pdf download.

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