ISO 916-2020 pdf download.Testing of refrigerating systems. 5.2.4 Absorbed power of ancillarles The power absorbed by fans, pumps. agitators, heaters. md other associated ancillarws shall he subject to agreement. 5.2.5 Absorbed power of the entire system The drvc per or the elitlic yst,.m shall be subject to .agrceiuciii. 5,2.6 Cooling water demand The cooling water demand may be a subject of the technical warranues. 5.2.7 Coemcirnt of performance The coefficient or performance. COP, may be subject to agreement rnstead of the power ansorbeti according to 5Z..1 to £L. 5.3 OperatIng conditions br technical warranties 5.3.1 General The loUowing shall be subject to agreemei.t; a) refrigerant desIgnatIon; b) condition of the heat-transfer medium when entering. e.g. the condenser. aftercooier, oil cooler (ii provided). 5.3.2 Overall refrigerating capacIty The boflowing shall be subject to agreement: a) Pressure and temperature of the refrigerant 1) at the suction port of the compressor- and 2) at the outlet of the condenser or of the recerver or aftercooler, respectively. 5.3.3 Net or useful refrigerating capacity The bnliowing shall be subject to agreement: a) the condition of the cooled medium at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator or at two defined points of the cooled medium drcuil, or b) the condition of the cooled medium at the inlet or outlet of the evaporator or at a defined point of the cooled medium circuit as well as the corresponding mass flow. The condition of the cooled medium does not only include Its temperature but also its physical data. 5.3.4 Conversion to warranty conditions The conversion to warranty conditions reçuires the Indicat Ion of the compressor speed or the power supply frequency (for motor compressors), respectively, the refrigerant pressures In the evaporator and the condenser or the evaporation and condensing temperature, respectively, as well as the intermediate pressures In case olmultiplestage systems. For this purpose. the permissible deviations of the operating conditions for testing shah hr specified.ISO 916 pdf download.

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