BS ISO 10002:2014 pdf free download.Quality management一 Customer satisfaction- Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations. 4.4 ResponsIveness Receipt o( each compLaint should be acknowledged to the complainant immediately. Complaints should be addressed promptly in accordance with their urgency. For example, significant health and safety Issues should be processed immedbtely The complainants should be tretcd courteously and be kept Informed olthe progress oltheir complaint through the complaints-handling process, 4.5 Objerth’ity Each complaint should be addressed In an equitable. objective. and unbiased manner through the complaints.handling process (sec AnncxC). 4.6 Charges Access to the complaintshjndllmig process should be free of ch.srgr to the complainant. 4.7 Confidentiality Personally identifiable information concerning the complainant should be available where needed. but only for the purposes of addressing the complaint within the urganIzIion and should be actively protected from disclosure, unless the customer or complainant expressly consents to its disclosure. 4.8 Customer.focuscd approach The organization should adopt a customer-focused approach, should be open to feedback including complaints, and should show commitment to resolving complaints by its actions, 4.9 AccountabilIty The organization should ensure that accountability for and reporting on the actions and decisions ol the organization with respect to complaints handling is dearly established, 4.10 ContInual improvement The continual improvement of the complaints-handling process and the quality of products should be a permanent objective of the organizatbon S Complaints-handling framework 5.1 CommItment The organization should be actively committed to elfective and efficient complaints handling, It is particularly Important that this Is shown by and promoted from, the organization’s top management. A strong commitment to responding to complaints should allow both personnel and customers to contribute to the improvement of the organization’s products and processes, This commitment should he rrlircted in the definition, adoption, and dissemination of policy and procedures for the resolution of complaints. Management commitment should be shown by the provision of adequate resources, including training.BS ISO 10002 pdf download.

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