BS ISO 10542-1:2012 pdf free download.Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons一Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems Part 1: Requirements and test methods for all systems. 4.13 DOCkIng bedown devices The docking tiedown device shall a) provide a ‘read resvae* if the docking tredown device inciudes a back tesvaew b) provide audlory and visual beans for .ndlcsting to the wheelchair user end vehicle drwer wvn tli wheelchair has been succeseftity secured and released c) inckJde a manual cwernde to release the wtieelchaw in the event of lose of pOWer to any power-operated mechanisms that is accessible by an attanda,4 d) remain ii the locked position tintil manually released. In the event of lose of power to any poweroperated mechanisms. e) alow br accessible operation by the occt4wnt of any electrical or mechanical devices that are necessary to engage or disengage the docking components f) prevent inadvertent release during normal or emergency vehicle operation 4.13.2 For effective operation, the engagement mechanism of the docking Sedown device allow tar m.sabgnment between a wheelchair and docking securement device when a) the wheelchair is Iaterauy displeced from the mrdl,e at the docking station as mudi as 25mm si either deecbort NOTh 1 For docking bedown systsnw designed (or engagenleix wei a UDIG adplor, lw recornrwedsd to aloe far lateral mhelignmnt otas nW, isiS rise iii .ithe, direction b) the wheelchair reference plane is rotated from th. longitudinal centr, lIne 01 the vehide by as much as 10 ii erttter direction. c) the sWuchiral components on the wheelchair that comprise the wheelcha. securernent points are aned relative to the vertical by much as 10 In any deedion, d) the height of any structural components compnsing the wheelchair securement points very verXy by as much as 20 mm due to low lyce Inheton of the wheeich NOTE 2 For docking Sedown systems designed for engagement with a UDIG adaptor it Is reconsrrended to accoiwnodate br verilcat venaten as much as 50 ram 4,2.3.3 If the docuig tiedown device is inended to secure a ends range of wheelchairs Wi a wide range at public vehicles, it ehotid be designed to elTectively engage with the tJOlG specitricetions in Annex F. and function accordingly when tested to the performance requirements in Clause 5. 4.2.4 Clamp-type bedowns Clamp-typ, wheelchair tiedoens shal be dsigned such that securing and releasing th tndown according to the manufacturers instruction shal not...

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