BS ISO 15037-2:2002 pdf free download.Road vehicles Vehicle dynamics test methods一 Part 2: General conditions for heavy vehicles and buses. 5.2 Transducer InstallatIons The franeducers shall be inslalled according to the rnanufacturers instructions. where such istructons axed. so that the vartataes ootrespondmg 10 the terms and delbWtcns of ISO 8855 can be detemnsd. If a transducer does not mesli.x, a vaneble *,clIy. appropriate bansoimabon. shell be cashed out 5.3 Data processing 5.3.1 Ginsral The frequency rnrige relevant for test, on horizontal dynamcs of heavy v.hal.s Is between 0 Hz and the maximum utdizd frequency = 2Hz. Depending on the chosen data-processing method (analog or digital data ocess1ng), the provisIons of 53.2 or 5 3.3 are to be observed For lighter trucãe I could be nceswy 10 inuasse f,, 10 3 Hz. Wi which case th. foew1g requirements concerning the frequency nwiy be modified corresporidmgh, 5.3.2 Analog data Processing The bandiMdih of the ntlre, combined Vansducertrecordlng system s1i be no less than 5 Hz. In order 10 execute the n.cessery fttenng of signaIs low-pass filers of order 4 or higher shal be eniployea The width of the pasaband (from 0Hz to frequency f a -3dB) aliaS not be less than 9 Hz. Amplaude errors shall be less than ±0.5% in the relevant frequency range of 0Hz 102Hz. AJI analog sign aliaS be procissed edh lItters having ph… ctiercteflshcs sufficiently simSar 10 ensur, that fine deley differences due to filterIng lie within th. required accuracy foe lene measurement. NOTE During analog filtering of agrees with ddteren frequency contents phase shifts can or. Because of this, a digital data prucesseig ‘vieliod sudi as that ven ii 53.3 a preleratis General considerations Preparation of analog signals mctodes consideration of leer amplitude allenuellon and sampling rate to avoid aliasing errors, and leer phase lags and tene delays. Sampling arid digthzlrig ccn.derationa Include presampling amplification of signals to mewn4zo digibzatlon errors. number of b4s per sample, number of samples per cycle, sample and hold amplification, and timewise epeong of samples. Considerations for addtional phaseless digital filtenng Include selection of passfands and s$opbands, anrf the attenuation and aSowable epie in each, as well as corredion of anhielias lifter phase lags. Each of these factors muet be cons4ded if an overall data acquisition accuracy 01±0,5 % a ID be achieved AbasIng errors to order to avoid aliasing errors that carviot be corrected, the analog s iiI...

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