ISO 3633-2002 pdf free download.Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings一Unplasticized poly(vinyI chloride) (PVC-U). 5 General characteristics 5.1 App.aranc. When wewad without maWlIElcon. In. tollowing requirements snaH oe mat the internal and •slernal surfaces of pips and fillmgs shet be smooet. clean and Ire. from groowng, bbsxenng, imptøbes pores o any other surface Irregulanty hkely to prevent oonformlty of pqes and fittings to the International Standard. — eadi end of a p,e or fitting shaM be cleanly a. if ,plicable. and shal be squere toils axis 5.2 Colour PIpes and filtrigs shal be coloised Itrough the whole wall The recommended cofoe, for pes and frmngs e grey. 6 G.ometrical characteristics 6.1 General All dimensions shall be measured in accordance with ISo 3126:-。 In cases of dispute, the reference temperature shall be (23土2) °C. The figures are schematic sketches only, to indicate the relevant dimensions. They do not necessarily represent manufactured components. The dimensions given shall be conformed to however. 6.2 Dimensions of pipes 6.2.1 Outside diameter The mean outside diameter, dem, shall conform to Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable. 6.2.2 Out-of-roundness The out-of-roundness, measured directly after production, shall be less than or equal to 0,024dn. 6.2.6 Dimensions of sockets The dimensions of solvent cement sockets (see Figure 4) and ring seal sockets (see Figure 5) of pipes shall be the same as for fttings (see 6.4). 6.3 Dimensions of fittings 6.3.1 Outside diameters The mean outside diameter, dem, of the spigot shall conform to Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable. 6.3.2 z-lengths The design length(s) (a-length(s)] of ftigsg (see Figures 8 to 11 and 13 to 17) shall be given by the manufacturer. NOTE The z-length(s) of a ftting are intended to assist in the design of moulds and are not intended to be used for quality control purposes. Iso 265-1 may be used as a guideline. 6.3.3 Wall thickness General Fittings and those parts of fttings not intended to come into contact with the fluid being conveyed are not required to conform to the wall thicknesses given in Tables 5 to 7, as applicable. Where a ftting or adaptor provides a transition between two nominal sizes, the wall thickness of each connecting part shall conform to the requirements for the applicable nominal size. In such cases, the wall thickness of the ftting body is permitted to change gradually...

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