ISO 7176-8-2014 pdf free download.Wheelchairs – Part 8: Requirements and test methods for static, impact and fatigue strengths. 4 RequIrements 4.1 Strength requirements When tested in accordance with Clauses 9. and .10. a single wheelchair shall meet all the following requirements at the conclusion of the tests. a) No component shall show evidence of visible cracks, be fractured, or have become detached, with the following exceptions 1) Readjustment of postural supports is allowed after each of the tests in Clauses 8 and 9. 2) Re’tightenlng, readjusting, or refitting of components that are identified in the operator’s manual as operator-adjustable components is allowed at 2S % intervals during each of the multi drum, drop, and manual brake fatigue testing procedures (Cbuie 10), Operator adjustable components, as identified in the operator’s manual, may not be adjusted using tools unless the tools are supplied with the wheelchair. If there arc opcritnr a1)ustable components, fatigue test equipment may be stopped at 25 $ plus or minus 5 % intervals, to determine if re-tightening. readjusting, or refitting of operator-adjustable components Is required. Re- tightening, readjusting, or refitting shall then be performed. followlngthe procedures outlined In the operator’s manual, Restart the test equipment after re-tightening, readjusting, or reFitting has been performed 3) Re’Iightening, readjusting, or refitting of any other component Is not allowed, 4) During the fatigue testing (Cjause 10), the following wear items, if they are identified in the operator’s manual, may be replaced no more than twice per itrnt tyres (including solid tyres). inner tubes, drive belts, castor wheel rubber. In the case of castor wheels that are a single Integral part, replacenwul is only permitted because of wear or failure of the running surface. but not for failure of the wheel structure or other elements (e.g. bearings), No other wear items may by replaced. 5) Cracks in surface finishes, such as paint, that do not extend into the structural material do not constitute a failure. b) No externally visible electrical cable shall be cut, abraded, or crushed. No externally visible electrical connector shall be crushed or disconnected. c) All parts Intended to move, rotate or be removable, folding or adjustable shall oper.Ite as described by the manufacturer. d) All power-operated systems shall operate as described by the manufacturer. e) Handgrlpc shaH not be displaced. f) No component or assembly of parts shall exhibit visible plastic deformation, free pb or loss of adjustment I...

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