ISO 11963-2012 pdf free download.Plastics一Polycarbonate sheets一 Types, dimensions and characteristics. 5.4.2 When the sheet thickness is greater than or equal to 4 mm, the Charpy notched impact strength shall be determined in accordance with ISO 179-1:2010, method leA (edgewise), using a notched bar (80 mm x 10 mm x d mm, V-notch, radius 0,25 mm), where d is equal to the sheet thickness. lithe thickness is less than 4 mm, the tensile impact strength shall be determined using a double V-notch (notch radius 1 mm) in accordance with ISO 8256:2004 (specimen type 1, method A). The notched impact strength shall be measured with specimens taken parallel and perpendicular to the extrusion direction. NOTE These two different tests are required because, when determining the notched impact strength to ISO 179-1 (Charpy), extruded PC shows a tough/brittle transition in the range between approximately 2,5 mm and 3,5 mm thickness, which gives rise to large deviations in measurements made in this range. 5.5 Thermal properties 5.5.1 The Vicat softening temperature shall be determined in accordance with ISO 306:2004, method B50, indenting the original surface. The rate of heating shall be 50 °C/h. Prior to the test, the specimens shall be conditioned at 120 °C ± 2 °C for 3 h and allowed to cool to room temperature in a desiccator. 5.5.2 The temperature of deflection under load shall be determined in accordance with ISO 75-1 and ISO 75-2:2004, method A. Prior to the test, the specimens shall be conditioned at 120 oct 2°C for 3 hand allowed to cool to room temperature in a desiccator. If the sheet thickness is less than 3 mm, this requirement shall not apply. 5.5.3 The change in dimensions at elevated temperature (shrinkage) shall be determined in accordance with the method described in Annex A of this International Standard. 5.6 Optical properties The light transmittance r1 shall be determined in accordance with ISO 13468-1 by using an integrating sphere on specimens of original thickness. 5.7 Weathering behaviour 5.7.1 Natural weathering Natural-weathering performance, when needed, shall be determined using ISO 877-1, ISO 877-2 and ISO 877-3. 5.7.2 Artificial-weathering tests Artificial weathering, when required, shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 4892-1 and ISO 4892-2 with a filtered xenon lamp with a spectral intensity distribution recommended by CIE 85, at a black- standard temperature of 65 °C ± 3 °C, at (65 ± 5) % relative humidity and with...

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