ISO 14230-1-2012 pdf free download.Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line) 一 Part 1: Physical layer. 8.2 Electrical specifications 8.2.1 Working temperature requirements The specifications in 8.2.2 to 82.6 shall apply over a working temperature range of 0 C to 50 C. They apply to nominal 12 V (24 V) systems for which the external test equipment shall operate correctly in the range 8 V to 16 V (16 V to 32 V) of the vehicle battery voltage, VB. Manufacturers of external test equipment are encouraged to extend these limits of correct operation for vehicle battery voltage, V, and working temperature. 8.2.2 External test equipment pull-up of lines K and L For lines K and L of the external test equipment not connected to an ECU. each line shall be internally pulled up to V8 via a nominal 510 c (1 k) resistor. When the external test equipment is linked to an ECU, it shall meet the following requirements: a) Transmission state 1) At logic 1” the external test equipment shall have an equivalent voltage source greater than 9OV8)100. sourced from the vehicle battery supply, V8. and an equivalent resistance of 510 Q x (1 ± 5 %) i k x (1 ± 5 %)J. 2) At logic the external test equipment shall have an equivalent voltage of less than 1OVW100, at a maximum sink current of 100 mA. b) Receiving state 1) The equivalent resistance on the line K of the external test equipment shall be 510 < x (1 ± 5 %) (1 kc (1 ± 5 %)J. 8.2.3 Fast initialization and communication baud rates The external test equipment shall maintain fast initialization and communication baud rates to ± 0,5 % of nominal values where specified by the protocol. Where determined by measurement, the baud rate shall be maintained to ± 1 %. The 5 bd address shall be transmitted with a tolerance of ± 0,5 %. 8.2.4 Bit time requirements For each byte the external test equipment shall be capable of determining the status of any bit, the transitions of which are shifted by not more than 30 % of the bit time relative to their calculated position in time. 8.2.5 Voltage requirements The external test equipment shall not transfer to the open lines K and L any voltage higher than V8 or 40 V. whichever is the lower, or any voltage which is lower than...

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