ISO 15688-2012 pdf free download.Road construction and maintenance equipment一Soil stabilizers一 Terminology and commercial specifications. 3.4 variable mixer chamber chamber, equipped with gatesor liaps, which controls the time the materials remain in the mixingchamber 3.5 fixed mixer chamber i.liainbei without gates or flaps so no variation of mixing 1mw is possible 4 Types and configuration of soil stabilizers 4.1 Types Depending on the mixing device, there are two different types of soil stabilizer: a) mixing: using rotating tools to cut and reduce to aggregate the material in a mixing chamber (see Figures A.1 to AS). The rotation axis of the rotors may be horizontal or vertical: b) breaking up: using special tools with reciprocating movement (digging machine. see Figure A.6). 4.2 Configuration The configuration of soil stabilizers Is determined by either the position of the mixing tools in relation to the axles of the transport machine or the type and layout of the working tools with which the machine is equipped. a) Position of mixing tool: — central: the mixing device is suspended between front and rear axles (see Figures A.) and A.2): — rear the mixing device is carried behind the axles (see Figures A.3 to A,6). b) Trpe and layout of working tool: — tools fixed to a horizontal axis rotary drum (see Figures A.1 to A.4 and Figures A. 7 to A,1O): — tools fixed to the vertical axis rotary disc (see Figure A.5); — tools in form of digging device (see Figures A.6 and A.8). 4.3 Tool driving principle The movement of tools is provided by mechanical or hydraulic driving systems. 5 Commercial specifications 5.1 General The dimensional and mass characteristics specified below do not apply to grader-based soil stabilizers. For these machines. the specifications given in ISO 6746-1. ISO 6746-2 and ISO 7134 apply. 5.2 General data Specify the following: a) Manufacturer or importer (if imported) b) Model.ISO 15688 pdf download.

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