ISO 18436-1-2012 pdf free download.Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel – Part 1: Requirements for assessment bodies and the assessment process. 4.5 Organizational structure of the assessment body The assessment body shall have an organizational structure, accessible to the public that invites and permits participation by all interested persons. 4.6 Examination centres 4,6.1 General Examination centres, which can include technical organizations, vendors, companies and independent training organizations, are parties that meet the requirements of 4.6.2 and have the responsibilities of 4.6.3. 4.6.2 Requirements Examination centres shall be designated by an assessment body and, as a minimum, shall: a) work under the direction of the assessment body; b) have adequately qualified staff to organize and conduct qualification examinations: C) have adequate physical and financial resources to sponsor examinations: d) follow the instructions specified in this part of ISO 18436. 4.6.3 Responsibilities The examination centres shall: a) conduct examinations following the prescribed procedures of the assessment body, using authorized examination invigilators (see Annex B): b) use only current original examinations provided by the assessment body; C) return all original examinations (including unused examinations) to the assessment body; d) ensure that the integrity of the examinations is not compromised in any way. 4.7 Technical committees for certification 4.7.1 General Technical committees for certification (TCCs) are groups assigned by an assessment body that meet the requirements stated in 4.7.2 and have the responsibilities given in 4.7.3. 4.7.2 Requirements Separate TCCs shall be formed by an assessment body to monitor and direct technical efforts associated with conformity evaluations. The TCCs shall have, as a minimum requirement, membership that is certified to the level of the certification the committee represents, or equivalent competence during a start-up period. 4.7.3 Responsibilities The TCCs: a) shall develop or rework examination questions: b) should adhere to the technical areas of proficiency, as defined in the relevant part(s) of ISO 18436 which relate directly to the specific technologies (see the complete listing in the Foreword) for each level of assessment.ISO 18436-1 pdf download.

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