ISO 22400-1-2014 pdf free download.Automation systems and integration – Key performance indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management一 Part 1: Overview, concepts and terminology. 4.3.2 Content Inlormatlun When a definition of a KPI is given. it should contain information about its content: a) name: Isame of KPI. e.g. avail.ibil Ity, worker effrctivrness, b) 1D a user-defined unique identification of the KPI in the user’s environment; c) description: a description of the KPI: d) scope: identification of the element for which the KPI is relevant. e.g. a work unit, work centre, work order, product or personnel (see IEC 62264.3) e) formula the mathematical formula of the KPI defined In terms of elements; F) unit of measure: the basic unit or dimension in which the KPI is expressed; g) range: the upper and lower logical limits of the KPI; h) trend: Information about the Improvement direction, i.e. higher-is-better or lower-la-better. 4.3.3 Context Information The specification of a KPI should contain information about Its context. Including tinting. audience. production methodology, elTrt model diagram, and notes. a) The timing context Information should specify the frequency of KPI calculation as following. 1) real-time (as the process is occurri,): alter each new data acquisition event, 2) perIodically: dune at a certain Interval. e.g. one time per day, or 3) on-demand: after a specific data selection request. b) Constraints Information about possible constraints on how the KPI can be used. c) Usage: information about how to use the Kl’l. d) The audience context information should specify the user group typically utiliring the KPI. The user-groups in ISO 22400 may inckide: 1) opcr.itor persoond responsible of direct opcration of the equIprncnt, 2) supervisors: personnel responsible for directing the activities of the operators, and 3) man.igemenl: personnel responsible for the overall execution of production. e) The production methodology shouki identity the method ul’ production for which the KPI Is generally applicable: batch, continuous, and/or discrete. 1) The effect model diagram information should specify the location of the diagram depicting the composition of the KPI from measurement sources. An effect model diagram is a graphical i-epiexentiition of the dependencies of the KPI elements that Is useful for understanding the Inipact of the source values.ISO 22400-1 pdf download.

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