ISO TR 10949-2002 pdf free download.Hydraulic fluid power一Component cleanliness Guidelines for achieving and controlling cleanliness of components from manufacture to installation. 5.5 Testing of components I function testing of the component is neceswy, then the deanhness level of the liquid in the test ng is to be as clean or deaner then the r.qed cI.a.*nesa level ci Lb. component under te This nonny means fitting Sic test rig with apprppnete fdbation device,, Where the test process laeU generates sagniticent coritamwtent, it Is recommended that en an-One liter be fined to quickly remove contammaet so generated This em minimize damage cwed by its recwculation through the Lest ng. 6 Evaluat)ng component cleanliness As epprocnal., the methods of contaminant collection. analysis end data reporting described in ISO 18413 should be used to evaluate the level of contaminant rerneawig m components or subasserntaes. The nepeckon document prepared Wi accordance with ISO 18413 should make reference to the methods of coremWiw,t collection. analyts arid data recicw*inq appropriat, to the specified component; lie cornponer is reassembled before packaging, storage or transport. the component is to pess through the final production stages IfIUSIw-Ig or testing) to remove contaminant generated by the reassembly process. 7 ControllIng compon.nt cleanliness 7.1 General Appropriate procedures are to be developed to control and maintain cleanliness throughout the complete production process. especlty duflng transit between operations. The level of cleanliness maintained dunng the assembly of the component by the manufacturer can easily be compromised unless car, is also exercised during wbeoquent operations, such am post-test handling, pemang, packaging and shpang. Precautions are sliP essential at these points to ensure that contamination does rick degrade the perfoimanoe of a component such that it tails to meet the purchasems expec1allons In addelon, topics such as traming, the provision of appropriate procedures and control over the erwironnient are equaty enportent. 7.2 TrainIng Effective bairing at each step 01 the product production end debmery prooses is essential to mi,Wnize the introduction 01 contamination, Persons involved with the manufacture, assembly. testing. packaging, storage and inspection ci flied power components should be educated in the basics of contamination coremoL Tralnmg should Include en appreciation 01 the effects of contamination, as well as instruction in pertorming specific tasks, It pereorwiel do not understand the damaging effects of contamination, th.y may not fOlLOW the prescribed procedures 7.3 WorkIng environment The workplac. should b designed so that drty processes such me...

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