ISO TR 17671-4-2002 pdf free download.Welding一Recommendations for welding of metallic materials – Part 4: Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Material standards do riot flAy tat.e into aurit welding requirements For ties reason, it is soivietimes necessary to specify add itiorial requwernents for the material efesn plecing the order This can endude sdectiorVrestnction OW oompostho&mecllanecal properties (wattin certain additional lenits to the basic standard requirements) and addonal cteanbness ci the components. Permanent backing material and lemporwy attachments should be compatible with the parent metal 5.2 Storage and handling Contact with fernbc materials and copper should be avoided. I, order to prevent corrosion To avoid me use of incorrect materials, they should be stored so that the alloy type ls knoen (see warning on hard stamping m ISO’TR 17871-1:—). 6 Factors affecting properties of welded structures and assemblies A short let ci possible detrimental effects that can occur as a res4It oW welding, Is given m annex & The list es ret exhaustive but features those meturgcal and tecl’wiological influences that are specific to, or more prevalent with. alurenlum Potential ceuses and counter measures ama also listed Coreideration shall be given, 5.9 in the design ci welded structures, to ti. mechanical propartias of the best affected zone (HAZ) and the weld deposit whidi can be mfluenced by the *e$dmg procedure For instance, the weld deposit and the HAZ cart have lower mechanical properties than the parent material Car. should be taken to avoid the creation of any IIAZ that has no been considered in the design, eg. the weld ing at a temporary a5achm.nt 7 FusIon welding processes The part 04 ISO(TR 17671 applies to the following processes in accordance with ISO 4063 1998. and may be used singiy or ei combination 131 Metal arc inert gas welding (MIG); 141 Tungsten inert gas arc welding (TIG); — 15 Plasma arc wing Other fusion welding processes may be considered by agreement.ISO TR 17671-4 pdf download.

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