ISO/TS 14048-2002 pdf free download.Environmental management一Life cycle assessment – Data documentation format. Clear distinction shall be made between a zero value and a void (an empty data field). — Documentation of different processes, updates, etc. shall be characterized by a unique combination of identification number and version number. 4.2 Reporting The formatting of information about a process into the data documentation format described in this Technical Specification results in a structured document. i.e. a report. The example provided In annex B may serve as an example for a report. No mention is necessary of data fields with voids. This Technical Specification does not include requirements on completeness of documentation. This enables the data documentation format to be used to define different types of summary reports, i.e. reports which only include a subset of a full documentation, Such summary reports can serve to inform users of the documented data on the suitability of the respective data set for a given application. If applicable, an indication that a subset of the data documentation format has been used shall be included in the report. 5 Specification of the data documentation format 5.1 General This clause presents the general organization of the data documentation format, and is meant to be read as a list of separate and detailed requirements. This clause specifies the division of the data documentation format into distinct data fields. Each data field holds text, in some cases selected from a specific nomenclature, or quantitative data, The interpretation of each data field is specified in a short descriptive text in annex A. The structure of this clause specifies the relationship between the separate data fields. The requirements necessary for electronic implementation are listed in annex A. An example of the use of the data documentation format is provided in annex B as an example of paper-based data handling. The corresponding reference number in the tables of the annexes is indicated after each data field presented in this clause, e.g. Operating conditions ( In addition, a reference to defined nomenclature as presented in clause 7 is included when applicable, e.g. nomenclature 7.3. The data documentation format shall consist of three parts, namely: — one part covering the process, including the process description and inputs and outputs: — one part covering the modelling and validation: one part covering the administrative information. The data documentation of a process is illustrated in Figure 1.ISO/TS 14048...

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