UL 1773-2020 pdf free download.Termination Boxes. 7.1.2 That portion of a post located below grade level and up to 12 Inches (305 mm) above grade level shal be painted on both lie inside and outside surfaces ii addition to being gelvanized 7.1.3 Where Intended outdoor use, the mounting post or pedestal shat comply with the requirements of the Standard for Endosures for Electrical Equçmerit, Non.Environniental Considerations. UL 50 and the Standard for Electncal Equipment, Environmental Considerations. Ut. 50E for the Intended use Mounting posts or pedestals with an integral door or cover intended to provide envwonmental protection of factory or field installed receptac*es shall provide environmental protection with and without attachment plugs connected. See Rali and Splash Test specified in Section . 7.2 Cover 7,21 AooverorcforamountingpostorpsiJesWshallbeofme4alno4ttwmerthanasrequvedln Ui. or nonmetelic material complying with the Standard for Enclosures to. Electrical Equipment, Non. Environmental Considerations. UL 50. A cover or c fatincaled from 0058 indi(I.4 mm) thick steel may be any length provided as width does not exceed 10 liches (254 mm). Exception.’ A corer or cap provided on a mounting post or pedestal to close unused openings intended to accommodate a fleId.wistaled unit may be thinner Man 0.056 inch if the cover’ or cap complies with the deflection test described in e Deflection Test Sectsivi 21. 7.3 Grade level 7,31 ThedetancebMweanthemarkedflnaIgradelevelotamountlngpoetasccver.dln71orlie bottom of the base of a mounting pedestal and the lowest live part shall not be lees than 12 inches (305 mm). 7.4 Wire opening 7.4.1 The opening provided in the base of a mounalag post for the entrance of underground wiring shal be rolled, flanged, or .quq,ped with a bustuing so th there will be a smootNy rounded surface against wtilch the cables can bear The upper edge of the oper.ng shall b. .4 least 18 indies (457 mm) below the marked final grade Ievet, 7.5 Instructions 7.5.1 A mounting post or pedestal shal be provided with instructions indicating the correct mounting procedure. 7.6 MountIng provision 7.6.1 A pedestal shal have mounting holes or simifar provision In the base or securing the pedestal to a concrete slab Abunwuna in a pedestal enclosure shal not be In contact with the concrete mounting pad A metalic or nonmetac coating used to separate immum from a concrete pad shal be tested to demonstrate resistance to corrosion not less than that of galvanized (G90 zinc coabng) steel that isO 061 Wich (1.55 mm) thick.UL...

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