ISO 6707-4-2021 pdf download.Buildings and civil engineering works一Vocabulary 一 Part 4: Facility management terms. 3.4 Terms relating to systems and parts 3.4.1 building management system computer-based system that controls a buildings mechanical and electrical equipment such as heating. cooling, ventilating, lighting (3AA), power, disaster prevention, and security systems ISOLJRCE: ISO 18566-1:2017, 3.6, modified — The abbreviated term “BMS” has been removed. In the definition, “installed in buildings” has been removed.] 3.4.2 technical building system system comprising equipment for heating, cooling, ventilation (i48), humidification, dehumidification, domestic hot water, lighting (3A.4), indoor transportation, drainage, building automation and control, electricity production and distribution, fire detection and suppression Note I to entry: Electricity production can include cogeneration, wind power and photovoltaic (PV) systems. ISOURCE: ISO 16745-1:2017, 3.19. modified — In the definition, “system comprising” has been added before “equipment”; “indoor transportation, drainage” has been added after “lighting”; and distribution, fire detection and suppression” has been added after “production”. Notes 1 and 2 to entry have been deleted and Note 3 to entry has been renumbered.I 3.4.3 technical building sub-system part of a technical building system (3A.2) that performs a specific function Note ito entry: Heat generation, heat distribution and heat emission are examples of specific functions. ISOURCE: ISO 52000-1:2017, 3.3.12. modified — Examples of specific functions have been transferred to Note 1 to entry.1 3.4.4 lightingprocess of providing illumination to achieve practical or aesthetic effect ISOURCE: ISO 52000-1:2017, 3.4.23, modified — In the definition, “to achieve practical or aesthetic effect” has been added after “illumination”.J 3.4.5 ambient light illumination within an area produced by scattered light or general lighting (14A) conditions either by natural or artificial illumination or a combination of both ISOURCE: ISO 4246:1994, 15, modified — In the definition, “either by natural or artificial illumination or a combination of both” has been added after “conditions”.l 3.4.6 glare condition of vision in which there is discomfort or a reduction in the ability to see details or objects, caused by an unsuitable distribution or range of luminance or by extreme contrastsISO 6707-4 pdf download.

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