ISO 6709-2008 pdf download.Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates. 6.5 Representation of v.rtlcal position Venacat poelbon shal be height or depth as descnted by the coordinate reference system defineon. Heights me.stp.d upward Irvin the orii ihill be po.iliv. Heights m.asured downward from the oflgin ahiul be negative Depths measuted downward from tIle oflgm shiP be positive Degiths measured upward from the origin shal be negative. If height or depth Is given. a) whether the value ii a height or a depth, shall be defined in the CR5 defmon; b) the position of the value m the coordinate tuple shall be give., m the CR5 definition, c) the unit fvr the height or depth value shill be give., in the CRS d.biition d) the origin to. height or depth Shall be defined Wi the CRS deItnition 6.6 CoordInate resolution Cooidwiaiee shiP be given te a resolution com.nenst,ale with the po.*on .jracy Accuracy may be desaibed through metadata as defined in ISO 19115 The bnear eqiivalent for angular coordinates (latitude and longitude) te given Wi Annex E. 6.7 UtIlization 04 geographic point locations ISO 19115 gIves detads of ISO requwernee’ss for describing metadata for geo.pabal Information Exemples of geographc point locations where coordinates and other attributes, such as date stemps or desaipive information associated mill the geographic point locabonts). are descnted In Annex F. 7 Reprasentation of geographic point locption 7.1 UML model The UMI model for lie representation of geographic point location described WI Annex C 7.2 XML representation This International Standard supports GML, an XML gremnw wr5ten In XML schema f. the descnption of application scheinas. as well as for lie transport and storage of geographic information, but it —o ei.çpo.ts fiembilsy regardmg geographic-point-location representations that will be adtfressed through a register Exemples of geographic point iocallon through GYL are given in Annex G.ISO 6709 pdf download.

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