ISO 6727-2021 pdf download.Road vehicles一Motorcycles and mopeds – Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales. 4 General 4.1 The symbols shall be such that, when viewed by the rider. rrom their normal seated position or normal operated position, they ace recognkzable as shown In Annexes A to 0. 4.2 The symbol shall be placed on, or adjacent to, the control or telltale to be Identified Where this is not possible, the symbol and the control or leO-tale shall he joined by a continuous hne as short as possible 4.3 The symbols and signs shall be as given in Annexes A to 1. and Annex N. Additional symbols are given In Annexes M and Q. Minor deviations to the symbols and signs are permitted, provided they are necessary to reproduce an ,itxUrate representation to the rider’s line of sight, NOT€ Additional anersec can be i.luded in editions of this document if neressary. 4.4 In developing the symbols and signs shown rn AiwesesA to 0, legibility Factors such as line thickness, gaps between lines, symbol and arrow shapes, etc. were carefully considered. Modifications that improve legibility are permitted in the circumstances specified in 4&L 4.42 and 4.4.3. When modifying symbol elements, the graphic desIgner should consult IF.C 80416-1, ISO 80416-2, IEC 80416.3. and ISO 90416.4. 4.4.1 Limitations inherent in some reproduction and display terhnologies can require increased line thickness or other minor modifications of symbols. Such modifications are acceptable provided the symbol remains unchanged in its basic graphical elements and is easily discernible by the operator 4.4.2 Additionally, to improve the appearanc. and perceptibility of a graphical symbol or to coordinate with the design oldie equipment to which it is applied, It can be necessary to change the line thickness or to round off the corners of the symbol The graphic designer is normally free to make such changes provided that the essential perceptible characteristics of the symbol are maintained. 4.4.3 The graphic designer may render a symbol in either outline or solid form unless this is otherwise prohibited by the symbol description. 4.5 The vehicle shapes shown in this document are not intended to be restrictive, Modifications to vehicle shape may be introduced by designers in order to better represent tiw true exterior shape o( a given vehicle. Except for vehicle shape, no other symbol element shall be changed, except as provided in 4,4 or iti the specific symbol’s description. 4.6...

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