ISO 6884-2008 pdf download.Animal and vegetable fats and oils- Determination of ash. 6 Apparatus and materials UauM lebOty apparatus end, th palJcLdw the lwlng 61 CrucIble (Ow lern) of capecy 50 ml. preferably cf sacs or plebrurn, 6.2 Hotplate flenie burner. L3 Furnac, capable of being maintained beheeen 500 C arid 600 C. 1.4 Files paper. nelees& 1.5 Waler-bath, boilIng 6.6 Desiccator 1.7 AnalytIcal balance, capable of being read to the newest 1 mg 7 Sampling A re(wesen(ative sample Viodd hate been seat to lie laboratory. It atiotid isA hey. been damaged or dwiged dt%rig frenapoil or storage Santog is nat pest of the method speced in the Intematomal Stenderd. A recommended samping method given We ISO 5555111 8 Preparation of th. test sample Prepare tie lest swrVle from the laboratory sari’ pee in acaxdance with ISO 661 9 Procedure 9.1 Crude and r.fen.d fats and oils 1.1.1 Fwt heat the auode (61) In the lt,nace (63) maintained at 550 •C I, 600C. then cod ,i a desiccator (66) and weigi, to the nearest I mg. Weigh, to I’ newest 10 mg, about 10 gof the lest sample (. 8) into the aiIi. Heat carefuly on l. holats or os-er the %m. biamer (62)1, a hsne cupboard unhl the senAe Igretes For low aeh yedde, a larger iect porlion may be talcan by ackling e,coeearse porsons of 10 g eher me initial aelteig. lot high aeh ylelee, a evnaaet lest pta’bor may be ueed With en lncse.eed quality of ad. a teat of ashlees NIer paper may be irwerted end le wtkbl heabng lie oil on a lio,late. The inmal heating may be caimed out m me mouth of lie furnace, I lie fuinac e installed in a fijy. cupboard 11.2 When the biNning ceases. trawler Itee aucibte to the lumace (63) rnalrfaned at 550 C to 600 C. Manta,, the crucible at this temperature lot 4 Ii or lot a ehorler time it a carbon-tree reue IS obtained more rapidly A carbon-fr.. r..idu. is shown by the app.wwioa of the ash, wlsdi bcom.s red-brown (due to the preeecce of Won) or aM., with no black pertid.e remaining in the reeldue 91.3 lthereeduewnotcartion4reeafler4h,addafewdropsothydrogenperoxlcle(51),diyonaboheng eater-bath (65), arid reheat lithe furnace (63) to assist in the removal of cwbon I maybe necessary to repeat this trealmerit, 1.1.4 When the residue is carbon-free, to cool In a desIccator (66) and ea to the...

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