ISO 7206-2-2011 pdf download.Implants for surgery一Partial and total hip joint prostheses – Part 2: Articulating surfaces made of metallic, ceramic and plastics materials. 4.2.2 Sph.rlc*ty Mien measured In accordance with the method ven In &2, the departure from apheflciy ahal have a radial separation vslue no than 100 pm, 4.23 Surface finish When measured In accordance with the principles given In ISO 4288, the spherical articiiatmg surface of the .n’çtant aliaS have an La value not greater than 2 ian, using a cii.oI? valu. ci 0.06 mm. The measurements shell be taken at be Iocatkxis evenly destnbuted around the equator of line acetabuier ccnwonenl on the spherical surface. The locabens shall be at least 5mm from the edge of the acetabujar component and the measurement deection shall be oriented aliprolitmately perpendictiar to any madwüng marks that are present NOTE Mhgh ISO 4258 requires a cut-eli at 0,5 awn lithe surface miteh approaches 2 mn. a ai-dI vie as ng as that Is not practical due to the curvature of th. spherical suteca The loUoelng deta shall be reported along asth the measured vjes: a) stylus tip rus b) poaSion of measurement on specimen, c) average Ra When eiairaned by normal or corrected viaron. the artloIateig surface shal be free from enteddad particles and from suatches and score marks other Ihw those easing from the finishing process 4.2.4 Dimensional tolerances The spherical socket shea have a c5ameter equal to the nominal diameter wihmn a tolerance 01 -0,1 mat to +0,3 mm at a ternperahie of 20 C z 2 C, ie it ahal be oversized whmn the given tolerance. 4.3 Femoral prosthes.s for partial joInt replacements 4.3.1 G.n.r.l T)s subclause refers to spherical arilailabig surfaces of moral prostheses for partial riI replacements In accordance with claasmflcation a) of ISO 7206-I. 4.3.2 Sph.rlclty When measured in accordance with the method given in A. 1. the depa’ture from sphericity of the spherical arscntmg surface she have a rachel separation vakie no gi’eatei man 100 irn 4.3.3 Surface finish When measured in eccoroance with the principles given rn ISO 4287, the spherical articWatmg surface of the anpiant shall have an Ru value not greater than 0.5 ian and an Ri value not greeter than 1.0 pm. using a cut-of? value of 0,06 nvn, The following deta shall be reported along with the measured v.i,ies a) stylus tipradlus, b) posdion of measurement on specimen...

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