ISO 8000-2-2020 pdf download.Data quality一 Part 2: Vocabulary. 3.5.5 application reference model ARM rnIormetlon 1121) model that descrlbet the information requdrrmrnta 13.12) and constraInts of an applkotwn (3.32) within an opplicol ton protocol (15.4) or module (SOlJRO ISO 10303-i:—, 3.LIHI 3.6 Terms relating to data dictionary 3.6.1 data dklI.nary anstry dewripteon olan enUly (3.3.3) type contalnire. at a minimum, an unambiguous ldeot4l’Wr (31.1). a term and a definition Note I to entry: in the ISO 9000 data (122) architecture, a property nerd not be a uciated with a specific data type iii a date dictJo’iary 116.2). The association between a property and a data type can be made In a data specs jtcetsos, (3.61) Note 2 to entry: In order to eszhange a value corresponding to a data dictionary entry owe, n,Iormutpon (32.1) titan am ideatilier. a name and a definition could be ,weikd. For a property a data type is needed. Depending on the kind of property, other data elements (e.g unit of measure, language) could also be needed. These elements car be given in the diti dictionary, in a data specification that references he data dictionary entry, or directly associated with thc’ data Note Ito entry: In the ISO 13584 dnta architecture. the dictionary entry lot a property Is required to reference a speciibc data type Thus, an ISO 13584 dIctionary entry is a special case ol the more general concept, as it inc*udes elements of a data specilication ISOIJRCE: ISO 22745.2:2010, B.2.17. modified — The spelling ofdatatype has been changed to cLita type to be consistent with other terms in this document and Note 2 to entry has been modIfied. ISO 9000-110 requires a data specilication todescribe how Items belong to a particular dass by using entries from a date dictionary (1(i2) Note 2 to entry- In collaborative relationsfiips, the supplier of data and the user of that data agree tlw content of the dista specification in atdet to ensule the collaboration will be successful (Le. the supplier can supply conlormilig data and the user is able to explmt the data for the Intended purposes). Nnte 3 to entry An elfrctlve data specification is one where the creator of the specification intends for tiw requirements to be necessary and sufFicient for the data to meet the particular zirposeic Note 4 in entry: All st.akehuklers will be able to understand the data speclllcacion mare effectively II there Is...

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