ISO 8102-1-2020 pdf download.Electrical requirements for lifts, escalators and moving walks一 Part 1: Electromagnetic compatibility with regard to emission. 4.1.2 It is not always possible to measure emission for every function of the apparatus or assembly of apparattis. In such cases, the most critical period of operation shall be selected under normal operating modes. 4.1.3 Ii the reference standards do not specify any other conditions. then the tests shall be carhed out at a single set of environmental conditions within the manufacturer’s specified operating range of temperature, humidity. pressure and supply volte. 4.1.4 Measurements shall be taken in well-defined and reproducible conditions icr each test. The configuration and mode of operation during measurement shall be precisely recorded. 4.2 Radiated and conducted radio-frequency emissions 4.2.1 The teSts, (cit methods, tharacterlstlcs ol (lie testS and test set-ups shall be is stated In CISPK 11. 4.2.2 Travelling cables or any other cables likely to he more than S in long shall be represented by a sample ofat least 5 m long connected to the relevant port for the purpose of testing for radiative emission 423 lIthe apparatus has a large number of similar ports or ports with many similar connections, then a sulliclent number shall be selected to simuke actual operating conditions and to ensure that all the dilTerent types of ernllnatlon are covered. 4.2.4 M.ainirvmrnt shall be taken at the endosure parts (radiative). A.C. mains and machine/motor ports (conductive) of the apparatus/assembly of apparatus. 4.3 Voltage fluctuation and flicker The tL’StS. test iiirtk,ods, LiI,IIattrrlstILsIi tue trst5 nd test set-ups shall be .,sstated in IEi6l000-J-li. 4.4 Mains supply harmonics The calculation or measurement, test methods, characterists of the tests and test set-ups shall be as stated In IEC 61000-3-12. The system shall have stabilized Into Its normal state as defined by the manufacturer before harmonic measurements are taken. The eakulation or measurement shall be done under load condition with a reference current greater than or equal to the reference current as referred to itt 6.7.2. 5 Applicability of tests 5.1 The applic.itinn of tests for ev.iluatinn cit levels of emission depends on the type ot apparatus/ assembly of apparattis. its configuration, ports, technology and operating conditions. S.2 It can be determined from consideration of the electrical characteristics and usage of a particular apparatus/assembly of apparatus, that some of the tests are Inappropriate and therefore unnecessary. In such a case, the decision and justitk.iI...

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