ISO 8909-2-2021 pdf download.Equipment for harvesting一Forage harvesters一 Part 2: Specification of characteristics and performance. 4.13 For dimensional measurements, the forage harvester shall be placed on a hard, level surface. 4.1.4 If a self-propelled forage harvester has a crop container, it shall be empty. 4.1.5 The following data shall be recorded with the forage harvester performance specifications on the test report in ISO 8909-3:2021, Clause 7: a) type of header used, b) moisture content of the crop, expressed on the wet basis (mass of water in 100 g of unprocessed sample); c) the average width and height between adjacent rows of crop collected and the average distance between adjacent rows, in metres to the nearest tenth. For crops planted in rows such as corn or sorghum, the row spacing (see ISO 8909-1:2021, 6.5) and the kernel/stalk ratio or grain stalk ratio (see ISO 8909-1:2021, 6.6); d) other relevant crop characteristics, as defined in ISO 8909-3:2021, Clause 6; e) theoretical length of cut (see ISO 8909-1:2021, 5.24); I) length distribution of particles in the chopped crop, determined using known mechanical separation means, capable of repetition or manual sorting, recorded in terms of average geometrical length and geometrical deviation, in accordance with ISO 8909-3; g) if necessary, means of particle size reduction used (see ISO 8909-1:2021, 4.6 to 4.9). 4.2 Forage harvester characteristics 4.2.1 The mass (see ISO 8909-1:202 1, 5.1) of a self-propelled forage harvester shall be determined with a full fuel tank and a mass of 75 kg simulating the driver, lithe transport mass is also to be indicated, the fuel tank shall contain fuel not exceeding 10% of its capacity. If the complete machine includes certain optional equipment which influences its total mass, and/or elements such as tyre weights for self-propelled forage harvesters, these shall be specified. 4.2.2 If certain accessories or optional equipment influence the length of the forage harvester (see ISO 8909-1:202 1, 5.2), these, and their dimensions, shall be recorded on the test report given in ISO 8909-3:2021, Clause 7. 4.2.3 If certain optional equipment and/or tyre dimensions and position of axles influence the width of the forage harvester (see ISO 8909-1:202 1, 5.3), these, and their dimensions, shall be recorded on the test report given in ISO 8909-3:2021, Clause 7. 4.2.4 The height of the forage harvester (see ISO 8909-1:202 1, 5.4), determined when the fuel tank contains fuel not exceeding 10 % of its capacity,...

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