ISO 10052-2021 pdf download.Acoustics一Field measurements of airborne and impact sound insul ation and of service equipment sound一 Survey method. The measuring service equipment shall comply with the requirements of Clause 6. The sound source for measuring sound insulation between rooms shall be as omnidirectional as practicable. In façade measurement, the opening angle shall cover the whole façade. The directivity of the sound source and the distance to the façade shall be such that the variations between pressure levels measured in front of the façade, for each frequency band of interest, are less than 5dB. The tapping machine shall comply with the requirements given in ISO 10140-5:2021, Annex E and ISO 16283-2:2020, Annex A. The heavy/soft impact source – rubber ball shall comply with the requirements given in ISO 10140-5:2021, Annex F and lSO 16283-2:2020, Annex A. The accuracy of the sound pressure level measurement equipment shall comply with the requirements of accuracy classes I or 2 defined in IEC 61672-1. The complete measuring system including the microphone shall be adjusted before each measurement to enable absolute values of sound pressure levels to be obtained. For all measurements diffuse field microphones are required. For sound level meters with free field microphones corrections for accounting the diffuse sound field shall be applied. Filters shall comply with the requirements defined In IEC 61260. NOTE For pattern evaluation (type testing) and regular verification tests recommended procedures for sound level meters are given in OIML R58 and R88. 6 Test procedure and evaluation 6.1 General The measurements of airborne sound insulation and of impact sound insulation are made in octave bands. The measurements of service equipment sound pressure levels are made in A-weighted or C-weighted sound pressure levels. The measurements shall be performed with doors and windows closed and shutters normally open. Operating cycles and operating conditions for measuring of service equipment noise shall be given in Annex 8. They should only be used if they are not opposed to national requirements and regulations. 6.2 Generation of sound field 6.2.1 General If the difference between the signal level and the background noise level is less than 6 dB, the measured signal level shall be recorded in the report. A note shall be added to say that the measured receiving room level was affected by background noise and the corresponding level difference has been underestimated or that the measurement level (service equipment) has been overestimated by...

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