ISO 10477-2020 pdf download.Dentistry – Polymer-based crown and veneering materials. 5.5 Bond strength 5.5.1 Special bonding system without macromechanical retention If the manufacturer recommends a special bonding system without macromechanical retention, the strength of bond to the material used for the substructure shall be not less than 5 MPa (see Tah1.I and 2). Testing shall be carried out in accordance with 7. 5.5.2 Values higher than 5 MPa lithe manufacturer claims a value higher than 5 MPa for the bond strength, then the bond strength shall be not less than 80 % of the value claimed. Testing shall be carried out in accordance with L6. 5.6 Water sorption The water sorption of the cured polymer-based crown and veneering material shall be not more than 40 ,ig/mm3 (see Table 2). Testing shall be carried out in accordance with Z7. This requirement is not applicable to opaque resins. 5.7 Solubility The solubility in water of the cured polymer-based crown and veneering material shall be not more than 7,5 pg/mm3 (see Table 2). Testing shall be carried out in accordance with 72. This requirement is not applicable to opaque resins. 5.8 Shade consistency The colours of the cured polymer-based crown and veneering material from different batches (according to 1 and f2) shall show no more than a slight difference with the colour indicated by the manufacturer. Testing shall be carried out in accordance with L and ISO 7491. This requirement is not applicable to opaque resins. 5.9 Colour stability The polymer-based crown and veneering material shall show no more than a slight change in colour. Testing shall be carried out in accordance with Z and ISO 7491. This requirement is not applicable to opaque resins. 5.10 Biocompatibility Refer to the Introduction for guidance on biocompatibility. 6 Sampling 6.1 Foralltests The test sample shall consist of one or more packages of one selected shade, corresponding to the purpose ol the test, from a single batch and contain sufficient (approximately 20 ml) material to carry out the specified tests, plus an allowance for any necessary repetition of tests.ISO 10477 pdf download.

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