ISO 18530-2021 pdf download.Health informatics – Automatic identification and data capt. 7 The purpose of globally unique identification 7.1 SoC identification and data processing When GSRN is used In data processing, solutions have been developed by Il-fE® International as Master Patient Indexes (MPI), which secure uniqueness of the identification in a defined environment and associates defined demographics to a SoC identifier. MPI should be interconnected by using Il-fE® tools so that heterogenic identifications are linked together by using the associated demographics. The use of GSRN, as described in this document, does not impact data processing and the use of Il-fE® tools, since tHE’s ®MPI are conceived to address situations where SoC are identified with any identifier, GSRN are fixed length 18 digits numeric keys according GS1® General Specificationslal. In a GS1® DataMatrix, the SoC GSRN shall be headed by a GS1® Al 8018. 7.2 Implementation challenges Modern CIS require the use of a SoC identifier and an Individual Provider identification so that processes can be captured with scanning technologies. Some implementation challenges have been noticed, such as the following: — Acceptance by Individual Provider: To prevent AIDC technologies consuming the Individual Provider’s time, it is important to associate these professionals to the implementation steps, including working ergonomic, graphic user interfaces, etc. A benefit of AIDC should be the reduction of administrative work (manual key entries in the nursing files, reordering of consumed products, etc.). Furthermore, it is important that any implementation requires scanning prior care processes, so that alerts are issued to prevent errors (scanning after care process would be too late to avoid error). Some processes require even two data captures: one prior to the care process (checking adequacy) and one after the care process (confirming end of process), An example for this double step is the administration of cytostaticsl1i. — CIS data-field limitations: the length of the Individual Provider identification and the SoC identifier, when using GSRN, is 18 numeric digits. The optional SRIN for a SoC is a numeric field of up to 10 digits. The CIS is frequently not able to work with such data fields. It is important that healthcare providers and vendors collaborate to understand the value and the flexibility of the solution so that CIS support evolutions for the benefit of efficiencies (reducing manual key entries for documentation processes) and patient safety (combating workaroundsll,Kl, checks ahead of care processes, etc.). It is recommended...

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