ISO 18692-3-2020 pdf download.Fibre ropes for offshore stationkeeping- Part 3: High modulus polyethylene (HMPE). 5.2 Minimum core tenacity The minimum tenacity of the rope core shall be 1,3 N/tex, measured according to ISO 18692-1. All samples tested shall comply with this minimum value. 5.3 Creep properties The rope creep properties shall be at least as declared by the manufacturer, when tested following the method in Annex B. 5.4 Torque properties Torque-neutral rope or torque -matched rope shall be defined according to ISO 18692-1. 5.5 Cyclic loading performance The rope shall have demonstrated performance under cycling loading following the requirements of ISO 18692-1. 5.6 Particle ingress protection Unless otherwise specified, the rope shall be constructed with a protection of the core against the ingress of particles in accordance with ISO 18692-1. 6 Requirements一Rope layout and construction Rope layout and construction shall be in accordance with ISO 18692-1. 7 Rope testing 7.1 Type test 7.1.1 General Type tests shall be performed in accordance with Is0 18692-1 and the specific requirements of this clause. 7.1.2 Sampling The number of rope samples to be tested is given in Table 2. 7.1.3 Breaking strength tests, core tenacity, and stiffness tests The number of samples from Table 2 shall be tested, and each sample shall be capable of meeting the requirements of 5.1 and of 5.2. NOTE The measurements of the dynamic stiffness at end of bedding-in一and, when required, those of the quasi-static stiffness and the dynamic stiffness at several mean load level一are performed for design purposes only. There are no acceptance criteria on these parameters. 7.1.4 Creep properties test One sample shall be tested for creep properties in accordance with the test method in Annex B. This test needs not be performed where data are available from the previous qualification test of another rope (or a sub-rope of it) with the same design, material and method of manufacture of rope core, and a size not less than reference number 71. 7.1.5 Linear density test The linear density shall be calculated from the measured weight and length according to the method defined in ISO 18692-1:2018, Annex B. 7.1.6 Cyclic loading endurance test The cyclic loading endurance test shall be performed according to the procedure specified in ISO 18692-1.The residual strength of the rope shall be not less than 80 % of the MBS. 7.1.7 Protective cover thickness The thickness of the protective cover shall be verified....

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