ISO 19626-2-2021 pdf download.Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration一Trusted communication platform for electronic documents一 Part 2: Applications. 4.2 TCP relational architecture Even if some communities intend to establish a TCP, they could not implement it in case their business and technical environments are different. The particular authentication level, applied technology and communication protocol, etc. in each linkage need to be arranged properly by designing after classifying ‘TCP main’ and ‘TCP client’ even under various existing legacy system environments (refer to the ISO 19626-1:2020, 5.2). Eigur1 shows two interfaces. a) TCP client interface ‘TCP client interface’ refers to an area inter-linked between a TCP communication client and a TCP communication server. Apart from various existing legacy system environments, a TCP communication client chooses and delegates a TCP communication server as its agent for trusted communication. At this point, ‘TCP client interface’ should be agreed and linked by the SLA (service level agreement) suggested by the communication server. Thus, in this interface, the communication server can function an agent of the communication client to transmit the requested e-document(s) in a trusted manner under a TCP architecture. A TCP requires a standard interface for common linkage that a communication client and a server shall comply with. Then there are advantages of being able to provide convenience or efficiency of TCP operation to the communication clients. If a communication client wants to change its agent into the other communication server in a TCP, the communication client is able to change easily with it without being dependent on the proprietary interface of a specific communication server. 1) Client linkage: between a TCP communication client and a TCP communication server — Once the entity gets to register its own c-identity by going through the process of verifying it from the TTP identity directory, this entity becomes a participant as a TCP communication client. — A TCP communication client can participate in trusted communication after signing a service agreement provided by the communication server. This means the communication client does not perform the direct communication with the other communication client(s). — A TCP communication client can delegate trusted communication after authentication of the TCP communication server in the PR3 (communication authentication process). b) TCP main Interface ‘TCP main interface’ refers to an area which performs practical trusted communication through three linkages that shall comply with a communication interface specification (see Reference [61). ‘TCP...

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