ISO 19935-3-2021 pdf download.Plastics – Temperature modulated DSC- Part 3: Separation of overlapping thermal transitions. S Principles According to ISO 19935.1. The total heat 110w rate signal is separated into a reversing and a non-reversing component by means of modulation of the beating rate. The reversing heat flow rate corresponds to the heat capacity component while the non-reversing heat flow rate corresponds to thr kinetic component or the total heat fl-ow rate. Separation Is limited to overlapping effects related to reversing (heat capacity) component and non. reversing (kinetic) component, respectively. on the time scale of modulation. 6 Apparatus and materials The apparatus and materials shall be in accordance with ISO 1993S•1. 7 CalIbration 7.1 General According to ISO 199354 7.2 Calibration procedure Aciordl,ig to ISO 19935-2. 7.3 Calibration of modubtion amplitude According to ISO 19935-1. 7.4 CalibratIon of phase According to ISO 19935-i 8 Procedure 8.1 General The procedures or temperature modulated DSC. setting up the apparatus, loading the speamen into the crucibles. Insertion of crucibles into the Instrument, performing measureineots and removal ol cruclbles, shall be in accordance with ISO 11357-1. 8.2 Experimental conditions According to ISO 19935•2. The detcrminaton or reversing and non-reversing specific heat capacity shall be done in accordance with ISV 19935-1. 8.3 Interpretation of results According to ISO 19935-1. 8.4 Examples of the results — Separation of reversIng and non-reversing heat flow rate Figure I shose a typical example 01 qIirn ii•d pIytthylene terephthalate (PET).ISO 19935-3 pdf download.

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